September 20, 1975

[Editor’s note: As he was going into trance Ray said, September 10, 1975,

but the transcript that was originally typed reads September 20, 1975, which is probably the correct date.]

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

“Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?”

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe. Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your earth is shifting on its axis. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the earth’s way of cleansing itself. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth -- a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

Now, let the group bind closer together. Bring forth new teachers. Bring forth new ministers. Bring forth. Let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. But remember, all things shall come that are needed.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading tonight from [7-315-1…Scottsdale, Arizona…]. She asks, ‘What is causing the constant buzzing and clicking noises in my ears, and is there any treatment that will cure this condition? This has existed for six years.’”

Yes, we have thy body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We shall answer your question in this manner. If you should bring your problem unto soul Ray, the treatment of the same is a very simple treatment. The clicking or tone in the ears is a fusation of the bone structure of the same. It is brought about by the lack of circulation in the inner ear in the proportion of the bony structure that should provide that of tone and sound into the same. You shall find further that this condition is impairing the sight, and also the motor function of the brain, and shall soon bring on other complications of a radical nature.

This could be treated by the use of that of the niacinamide, the vitamins of the Lipo-C, and the use of hot castor-oil packs placed behind the ears. We would further suggest that the mineral supplement be used in the treatment of the same. Further use of that of the ion, negative-ion units, would help to change the atmospheric conditions while the subject slept at night.

This is all on this subject.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7-315-2…Phoenix]. The problem is headaches. But he asks for -- the question is for a general health reading.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We find, therefore, that we have brought unto thy keeping that of the bio-therapy.

The headaches are due to two problems which should run parallel, one with the other. One is due to the fluctuation of the blood pressure. The other is due to that of stress. We find a third factor, that of a chemical substance within the bloodstream which, in turn, has caused that of the neutron [neuron] built between the two tissues of the brain in the upper left lobal area. Further we find, therefore, within the same, that of the sinus cavities, infection, therefore, within the same. We find, therefore -- yes – the lack of mineral in the blood structure of the same, kidney, liver damage due to that of imbalance of vitamin substance.

We should say once again, bring this one forth unto soul Ray. The knowledge that is needed has been planted, therefore, in the mind, for both biotherapy and that that you would know as psychic surgery will be needed to impair and repair this and to bring about the full healing.

We would also suggest that the use, at this time, of that of the slippery elm, [myrrh?], that of the hops and mistletoe and sage, each in exact proportions of a balance of the same be used for the making of a tea substance. This should be drinke four times daily. [Note: drinke(n) is Middle English for drank.]This would help in the cleansing of the system, and help to reduce the infection in the [bronchianing] areas.

But without the necessary biotherapy, herbs and vitamins alone, or medication of any kind, would not fully restore this one to their health.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7-315-3…Durango, Colorado]. ‘Is there anything I can do to maintain the good health that Ray has gotten me in, other than I’ve already been instructed?’”

Yes, we see the need, and therefore, we should provide the information.  We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and we should answer in this manner. Continue the use of that of the Wonder Loss, in its exact proportions directed by soul Ray; continue [the] use of the other herbs and vitamins substances in their proper form; continue use of biotherapy at periodic periods of time.

You must realize that one part has been provided. Other parts shall come forth. At the present time we have implanted in soul Ray’s mind many new formulas for the improvement of the health of all. He is slowly bringing these forth. We are providing that of the material needs. But you must realize also that due to his own health state we can only implant the knowledge. One thing at a time must be brought forth and a foundation built in the structure of the same.

New machinery, that that shall be needed, will take time in the provision of the same. In this time of recession, the hearts of many have grown cold to his efforts. But we shall continue to prevail and provide, that all may receive from his healing, both by herb and by the energy substance we have provided within him, and the knowledge of the same, taking of the knowledge, using it well.

We have said before, we may knock upon the door, only you may bid us enter. Take forth, therefore, that that we have provided, and let it spread into your land. Take forth of the vitamin and herb substance, and let it spread, therefore, upon your land, as well as the knowledge. A healthy mind and a healthy body will function better together.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [6-274-3…Dallas, Texas]. She asks, ‘What is behind my daughter, A____ L_____ B______’s learning disabilities and how can we best correct this? Please be specific.’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Soul Ray has given you full information in specific terms. Listen therefore.

Of your own health needs, and that that you have asked for, the necessary surgery has been provided. We have restored your health, that of your husband, and that of your daughter. The learning difficulty is that of a bored child, nothing more. We shall say unto you that further biotherapy would improve this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading from [7-315-4…Grant’s Pass, Oregon…]. Her question is for help with her arthritis and muscle cramps of the skin, three kinds of arthritis, also trouble with her heart and lungs.”

Yes, we shall answer in this manner. A new substance shall soon be provided unto soul Ray, that of the chelate-orotate method used in the mineral supplements. It shall be provided and isolated very soon. Be patient.

We have placed before you that of the Aloe Vera Earth formula, and cream formula. Use of these. Use of the mineral supplement, therefore, at hand at the time. Use, therefore, of the hops, a tea seeped [steeped] of the same before bedtime. Use, therefore, of the sage three times a day, a cup of the same.

Of the heart problem, we shall answer in this manner. This we shall maintain, for the healing that is asked for shall be given. But we shall answer you also in this manner. A place has been prepared.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a request for a health reading for [7-325-5…Alta Vista, Virginia]. She asks for a health reading; she has a hearing problem, leg and stomach and weight problems. Also would like to know if she will marry again?”

Yes, we see thy need. We have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same.


We should answer your question in this manner. Of the stomach problem, we should suggest that of the Aloe Vera Gel, two ounces three times per day.

Of the weight problem, we would suggest that of the Wonder Loss formula of the same, three teaspoons three times per day.

As for the marriage problem, we shall answer in this manner. If a gardener should plant his garden and tend it well, then it shall reap a bountiful harvest.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And now we shall answer the question for the one known as [6-250-1]. You have asked, “What has been taken that should be restored?” And we shall answer in this manner. We have looked upon the land unto which you dwell and the people, therefore, of the same. We have looked upon those who should say they are friend, yet act in a different manner. That that was taken we have returned. We have returned the fellowship and love that was taken from within you and restored it with a garden of beauty.

We shall say unto you, tend the garden well that it may flourish and grow into thyself that others may see it. Do so in a manner as though you had found a new well in a desert. Share it with others.

There is one other thing we have restored. That that was taken from the bank vault has been restored. Do not be so foolish to make the same mistake twice.

Soul Ray now grows weary.

And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501