June 20, 1974

Tucson, Arizona



            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need.

And we should answer in this manner. For upon the earth the Father saw forth to place the mighty redwood tree, to stand in stature above men. Yet man was mighty within himself, for he took his ax and cut down the mighty tree.

            Yet the forest looked on, and so it wept, for it had lost a mighty friend. And each tree said into another, “Oh woe, what is this that man had done again? Shall he destroy the whole earth?”

            And days and months passed, and there upon the granite rock grew a new sapling, each day, each year. And day by day it grew and counted the days as the forest came and went, and as man came and went.

            So we say unto you, you can destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

In this day of yours of great trail, many should think they should run into the forest and hide beneath the rocks. [See The Revelation, chapter 6.]  

            Nay, we say unto you. For there shall be no place to hide. For those who should carry the mark of the Beast, their days shall be long and many. For those who do not carry the mark of the Beast, there is no reason to hide. You may be persecuted at first by those who should carry the mark. But for those who carry the mark, they shall perish and you shall not.

            For famine shall ravish the earth, and men shall kill for bread. But we say unto you, man may take from thee thy hand and arm, or thy life, but within truth he cannot take thy life, for life is everlasting. He can harm you not. Only you yourselves may do this. For he cannot cut away the soul of man and separate it from its spirit that belongs to God. Only you can do these things.

And for those who should carry the mark, they will have done so without scarring the body. But they should go, therefore, into the land of the lost souls, for they should never see again the light of our Father.

Be thus, as unto the redwood tree who fell mightily upon the earth only to rise again, for your God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

            You have many questions, ask.

            Aka, [6-20-74-001] says, ‘Please tell me some events that would be surrounding my life in the next few months.’”

            Yes, we see of thy need, and we shall answer, in your question, in this manner. You are soon to travel unto a distant land. You have had thoughts to make this land your home. But other journeys should make it necessary for this to come into fulfillment.

            You have within yourself deep spiritual guidance, and have had those our Father has sent to stand beside thee, those thee have that you have asked for, for guidance.

We shall answer in this manner; for each there is those who should stand beside them. If a man should lose his hand, those who have lost their hand shall be sent to him, so he may use one hand in the place of two. But when he no longer needs that learning, and new learning is needed, and new teaching, then new teachers shall be provided with greater knowledge. And yet, the teacher shall never be greater than the pupil. And thus shall be your future time.

For you, there shall be months of growth and guidance.

Many shall hear our words in different forms. But all shall be the same, for they should come as from our Father, for whether a teacher or a student, or a master, or a priest, all are but the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[6-20-74-002] says, ‘Should I stay in Tucson, or would Phoenix be better? Or will I be a gypsy for a while?’”

            We shall answer into your question. Thy have within thee a talent, a gift from God. Go forth and use of this. Venture forth and give unto man. We say unto thee, we have placed upon the earth A Rose without Thorns. Hark thee, then, and look forth unto the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[6-20-74-003] says, ‘In a recent past incarnation I was hung by the neck until dead. I would like to know if I was hung for the crime which I suspect that I hung for?’”

            We shall answer in this manner. Of the ways of man, sometimes are little understood, for they are but children.

            We say unto thee, we see not thee of being hung, only of this time of the strangulation of thyself, and the fear within of the day of resurrection.

            You should know of where you have been so you can know where you are going. Therefore, we should answer in this manner. We find, therefore, before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same. And therefore, we have the records.

We find the last incarnation in what thy would call that of Woodley, England.


We find this one as a wood[ed] cutter. And in the preparation and the land thy should live on, thy come under the domination of the cruel duke. You have labored long under his whip and tongue, and your family has suffered greatly. But the final insult came when this one took, therefore, and raped of thy daughter, the youngest. And thy slay him with thy ax.

            Thy were brought, therefore, unto London town in shackles, more near death than life, and thrown unto the prisons of the same.

            But, therefore, came forth this king of kings, and looked upon this man, yourself, and said unto the guards, “Why should you treat a man as a beast?”   

            And he said, “Oh sire, he has killed unto the great duke.”

            And the king looked long, and he said, “He has not killed unto the duke. He has only killed but a snake; turn him free. Any punishment shall be between himself and God.

            And that is your memory of the hanging.

            You have other questions, ask.         

            “[6-20-74-004] says, ‘How can I ground my knowledge and maintain it on all levels without upsetting the forces of nature?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

As we have said before, we have placed upon your earth A Rose without Thorns. Venture forth. Open thy door. We shall provide the bread and the yeast that growth should come in fulfillment of the same.

We should say unto you, if a man is worth his hire, pay of him. If a man should buy, therefore, with that he has earned a fine horse, envy him not. Say unto thyself, “With my labor, so shall bear my fruit.” If he should buy of a great robe, and you care not for robes, then provide, therefore, within yourself for your own needs.

            We say unto you, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself; give unto God that that belongs unto God; give unto your fellow man that that belongs unto your fellow man, and all shall be the works of God. But take this time to find that hidden place within your mind, in the quiet place where the still pool of water dwells, where the candle stays lit. Walk within the same, and thy shall find an inner beauty within thyself. When thy come out from this place be as a mirror; let that beauty reflect out and others shall share it in the same manner.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[6-20-74-005] asks two questions. ‘Will I find a man I will truly be happy with in marriage? And will my three sons, [G_____, L____, and B_____ J____] be happily married?’”

            We say unto you, happiness comes in many forms. Therefore, all shall come forth, each unto itself. As thy should plant corn into the ground, each should reach for the heavens in its own way. Some shall wed and some shall bear no fruit at all. Within thyself thy have bear [born] the fruit, and now thy should seek out companionship; this thy shall find.

            But stand not and look at thy sons, and judge them not, for they shall seek their own way. It is said, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” as into thyself. Let this be so unto thy children. But first, let the father and mother honor the child.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[6-20-74-006] asks, ‘Where was I born in my last reincarnation?’”

            Yes, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have, therefore, the record of time.


We find this one –


Thy nationality shall be that of Israel; thy birthplace in that of Prussia, Prussian lands. Thy father was a merchant, yet he constantly told you the stories of the return of the people unto Israel. He also said unto you, that when all the people had returned and brought forth the nation of Israel, a Messiah should come upon the earth. He said unto you, “Look unto the heavens and thy shall see the flight of the Eagle. As the Eagle should fly, he should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.”

            We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Your father told you of the prophet, Jesus, for he greatly believed that in truth he was the son of God, yet he also believed greatly in his own Jewish religion.

            He said unto you, “Remember unto these words. If thy should reach the land of Israel, go there forth unto the hill of the skull and make upon the earth two marks, one of the fish and one of the cross, and last, of the ankh.”

            You looked unto your father and said, “Why should I make of these?”

            And he said unto you, “For the fish shall feed the multitudes that should come unto Israel; for the cross shall be he who should come; for the ankh shall be the representative of the Tree of Life for our country and for all mankind upon the earth.”

            Therefore, your fondest hope was to tell and to tell again your own children that this time would come, and you told unto them this same story.

And we say unto you, in the year of 1948 a descendent of thy father’s father did make the mark in two places upon the hill of the skull and upon the wall of Israel, Jerusalem.

            And so, it has been written, so it has been done throughout times of times.          

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Aka [3-23-73-001] is concerned about the apparent fragmentation of various spiritual groups having the same avowed purpose, that of preparing the way for the return of the Messiah. He would like to know whether these groups should try to communicate or coordinate with each other, and specifically whether some communication between Ray and another group to which [3-23-73-001] belongs which had not adopted a name would be recommended?

            We should answer in this manner; let all come before their Father, each in their own way. Let each man, let each woman, respect the way that another should believe. For God did not bring forth rules for His worship. He asked but two things -- they should love unto Him one tenth of the love He should give unto His children, and they should give forth unto their brothers and sisters the same love.

For all those who should prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, look not at the color of their skin, or the way they should bow their heads, or the robes they should wear. Look only to the true purpose.

            We say unto you, a prophet shall be known by his deeds, not by how loud he can talk. For in truth, if he is a prophet sent by God, he will have little time for anything else other than his Father’s work. All of those, and all of you, shall each go unto our Father’s many mansions, there to live again of free choice, of free will.

            Glory be the name of the Father. Glory be the name of His children, and glory be those who prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

            Thy have other questions ask.

            “[7-12-73-00] says, ‘What can I do in the next year to implement my anticipated change in profession?’”

            (Chuckle.) Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, as a student, study, therefore, unto thy new profession. And it shall come forth into reality. Give that unto time unto your studies. Give that unto time that bread should be brought forth and placed upon thy table. Give that unto time for prayer and meditation unto the Lord, our God.

            We see thy need. That that thy should ask shall be granted.

            You have other questions, ask.

            “Thank you, Aka. [4-18-74-009] asks, ‘What do you see in the way of employment this year?’”

            Yes, we see of thy need. That of employment shall be good. But we should say unto you, seek out that of thy true talent, that of servitude unto man, unto the sick and needy, unto the healing of man, for it should come in many forms. As each person brought forth from another lifetime a gift, or memory of that that they had been before, so you have brought this gift forward. Let it mature and grow.       

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “[6-20-74-007] asks, ‘What is my karmic debt, if any?’”

            Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We, therefore, have before us the records.

And we should say unto you, hark, for these are words for thy ears alone.

For thy went thy way of the one known as Mary Magdalene. Yet thy went the full way; thy followed unto the footpath and the footsteps of the one known as Jesus Christ.

Thy stood not far from the hill when he said unto you and unto all mankind, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

            Thy took not these words as they truly meant, and hatred for men entered thy heart.

            Thy have brought that hatred forward. Your karmic action is to learn forgiveness and humility, as he had learned it, and as he, who died and who lived again, had came forth from his Father to bear proof unto the same.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

            Soul Ray now grows weary. But before we should part we should say unto you unto this manner.

Beware, for soon across the lands shall come the mighty storms -- hail, rain, wind, all of these things. Prepare your homes, and prepare those things you should have in store, that they should not be destroyed of these mighty storms.

Soon, therefore, in that of the Californians new earthquakes shall erupt. They should finger across proportions of the Arizonians, down into that of the Circle of Fire of Mexico. These should increase, intensity.

As the storms should come forth, great fires shall sweep the lands, destroying much life before it. Cities shall burn in its path.

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy]


Copyright © 1974 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona