October 1, 1971

Globe, Arizona



            [Editor’s note: The first part of the reading is missing.]

            .…And thy Father shall look upon thee with love. Be thyself as a mirror; let thy inner proportion shine through. If this is done in this manner, then thy should give glory unto thy Father. And thy Father should give glory unto His children.

            But remember also these words. In thy prayer, do not be as a hypocrite. Say thy prayer in such a manner that it should mean something to you, and therefore, it should mean something to our Father. 

            But if thy go before thy Father with hatred in thy heart, and therefore, lay sacrifice before Him, then take back your offering and go to the brother that thy have offended and ask there for forgiveness. But before thy go, be prepared to forgive thy brother, that he may forgive thee also. And in this manner thy Father should forgive thee. 

            But remember also, if thy brother should forgive thee of an offense unto him, and another should come before you to be judged, and therefore, you judge him harshly, then why should your Father then, in turn, forgive thee of the same offense?  [See Matthew 18:21-35.]

            But remember these words, our Father asks but two things from His children, that they should love unto Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto His children -- and that thy should love thy fellow man in the same manner. [See Matthew 22:34-40, Luke 10:25-37.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, one moment, please.

            “Aka, the next question is from [10-1-71-002] in Globe; question: ‘Can you give me any information regarding my mother? Is she worried about me, and does she know where I am?’”

            We should say of these words into thee. First, of thy mother, we should answer thy question for the good of thy soul. Thy mother has shed many tears for thee. 

            And we should say unto thee these words. “Honor thy mother and father,” but as the Lord, God, should honor thee, for He has given unto thee free choice. And even your Lord, your Father, cannot interfere with this free choice.

            But remember these words. “If thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” But remember, if thy have done something that offends thee, then thy must undo this thyself. [See Mark 9:42-48, Luke 6:41-42, Matthew 18:8-9.]

            But we say unto these words, “judge not lest ye be judged.” And “that that would kill with the sword shall be killed with the sword.” For not one small sparrow upon your earth should not fall without our Father’s permission. [See Luke 6:37, 12:6-7, Matthew 10:29-31.]

            And should thy pray unto thy God, and do it loudly, remember, our Father knows what is in thy mind before thy have even spoke a word. For the eyes should be the light of man. But remember also that man should be the temple of God. 

            Then we should say unto thee these words. Where thy mother dwells all is well.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Aka, the next question is for [10-1-71-003] of Globe. He would like any information concerning health and also information concerning building of the house.”

            We should say unto thee these words. Build upon a strong foundation, but build the foundation first. If thy should build a house in sand and gravel, the strongest foundation that thy should build should fall apart. But if thy should build upon rock and stone, then build a foundation first. [See Luke 6:46-49.]

            But we should answer your other question in this manner. Before thy should build a house build a home, and therefore, let the house house the home.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, [4-6-70-003] says that there are apparently rumors circulating which may hurt her and her family. She wants to know if they should try to do anything about it?”

            We should answer thy question in this manner. “If a man should strike thee on the right cheek, turn of the left.” But should the man strike of the left cheek, then raise the mighty hand of God and defend thyself. But we should say in this manner, if thy should know the truth, then a lie cannot harm thee.

But we should say unto this one, remember of these words -- for we have made unto thee a pact. But remember also, the Lord should giveth and the Lord should taketh away, for a bargain must be fulfilled on both sides.

But as we said before, beware of the dragon. Yet we should say of these words. For as forgetfulness shall be planted in the minds, so should the wrath of the Lord should best not be aroused.

            For as we have promised thee a new Book with wings, spend thy time in meditation. But, we should tell thee the difference between meditation and prayer. In prayer is your time that thy should talk unto the Lord, God. In meditation is the time thy should take to listen unto the Lord, God. For our Father should speak to all of His children.

            But remember also, now is the time of the Cherub. And remember, we are here to prepare the way. But remember also, now is also the time of the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. [See Genesis 3:22-24 and The Revelation 19:11-16.]

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            "Yes, Aka, S_____ S_____ would like a life reading.”

            Yes, we see thy need; therefore, we should say unto thee these words. We have before us the body, [the] soul, [the] spirit, and the immortal body, and therefore, we have before us the records of time.

            And we should say unto this one, that in the beginning, thy were born in the Year of the Cow. Thy were born of labor in a field. Thy did till the earth.

But we should go beyond this time, into thy spiritual entry of the soul, for there in itself, is a lesson to be learned. For as we have said before that in the beginning, that as thy come of ferment, and as man should enter into the man-beast, and therefore, should bear upon thy earth a new beginning, that of the soul, for as the spirit should enter, it should watch of this man-beast. And therefore, as thy Father has given unto thee free will, and as thy have looked upon the earth as [the] place of harvest, and thy have yearned for a solid body. Yet thy have yearned for [sustence?] even stronger, for thy were the sons of God, and therefore, saw the daughters of man and found them fair. 

            Thy must remember that as a son of God, a child of God, they were endowed with the powers of God. But once the transformation into the man-beast was made and the soul was born, then thy were trapped in that proportion of man that is known as death, and therefore, your karma was born. But of this type, the memory lingers forever, through all eternity, for as each new birth upon a new plane did happen.

            We do not find the entry again until upon the continent of [Labella]. And therefore, we find an entry of the same. But this time we find as a warrior. Thy must realize that thy are born upon the Black continent. But as thy should make war upon those of Atlantis, and as of the machines of the same thy did use to destroy unto the 12th continent of Atlantis -- and as of this time that man has also made war upon the stars -- at the time of the one thy should know of as Noah -- and as the catastrophe that destroyed of your world, so you were destroyed.

            But some of your kind did escape, and therefore, did wander into nothingness into that land that is known as Africa, and therefore, build upon this land many nations. But in the time of destruction thy lost of thy knowledge, thy worldly knowledge. Thy had also lost even that that thy have walked away from before, and that was of the worship of the one God.

            And therefore, we find thee again upon that plane. And we find, therefore, as the sacrilege doctor, thy did find many maidens fair. But thy should find that in thy laws which would forbid thee from marriage unto any maiden, yet thy find one among them fairer than all others, and this one should come before thee for sacrifice. And therefore, the maiden and thyself did run away into the forest, and there were killed unto the mammoth animals of that time.

            We find this entry -- yes, we see this -- we find thee again, at the birth and the time of the one known as Jesus. Thy dwell, therefore, in the temple of Jerusalem, and therefore, are of faith, or as thy would know of the same, a priest of the Jewish faith of the same. And we find, therefore, thy did listen unto this one, and therefore, become converted unto his knowledge. And therefore, after the death, thy did go forth  into that land of Rome, and therefore, find thy own faith. But remember, as our Father did say unto this one -- for as He gave forth His first-born child, and therefore, He did find the glory in the same, He forgave those the sins of man. But as you were of the true following, therefore, thy own people, those who would change the faith -- for as thy knew thy Lord had died upon this day and did arise again unto the third day, and as thy were present and did see, then thy knew that the faith that he had told upon the earth was true.

            We find thee not again until the 16th century of this plane. And therefore, we find thee in a land -- in the land and in the proportion of Spain. And therefore, we find thee in the true teachings once again. But once again we find -- in this plane, thy must understand thy have chosen of a womanly body. But thy are taken by the authorities into custody, and therefore, killed over a long period upon the rack of the same.

            And therefore, we find this one we see now, dying again, but not in the same manner, for as Judas, he did take of his own life in the same manner, because in this manner he did betray thee for his 30 pieces of silver.

            We find this soul at this time should wait to learn again. We do not find this until the period of 1890, and therefore, we find in this proportion thy should know as Colorado. And we found thee at that time as a member of the Hopis -- the Hopi are “the people of one.” Thy must remember that thy should belong unto the Eagle clan of the same. And at the festival days, thy did give race unto that of the Corn clan, and the Water clan. And as the race did commence, thy desire to win this race was so great, thy took the form unto that of eagle, and did kill your other competitors -- and therefore, were there upon the mesa stoned by thy people, and were [bidden], therefore, unto the [cycle] of the same -- and did go unto the back door for re-entry, knowing full well that this in itself was sacrilege into thy people, and therefore, were sent as Cain.

            We find thee not again upon this earth plane [until] thy present one. And we should leave thee with these words. Thy biggest crime upon this earth has been within thyself, against thyself. And we should say, look upon this one with the eyes of wisdom. But be patient, for thy have brought forth upon this plane many karmas. Your biggest problem is that of self destruction. If thy should give a gift, give it with love. But once the gift is given, do not ask to be repaid. Take thy gift into the next door and knock. And if it is accepted, go into the house and eat the wine. But give of them there your wine to drink, that they may drink of yours.

            Soul Ray grows very weak.

            Therefore, we should say unto thee these words. Now is the time of the Cherub. But we bring upon your earth a new Book with wings.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording to improve accuracy.]


Copyright © 1971 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona