November 16, 1970



            Aka is here.

            "Good evening, Aka. Does Ray stand with God?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            “Thank  you, Aka.”

            And now, we see thy need, soul [6-9-70-004]. And we would say of thy question, we have given unto thee, unto thy soul, [11-16-70-001], an entry; there was no entry unto this body before.

Therefore, we should give at this time a health reading upon this new soul.


            We should say upon this soul, the body is not, as you would know it, perfect. We should send the help that is needed into this soul.

            First, thy should give into this soul large quantities of natural vitamins. Give unto this soul an adult dosage of vitamin D. We should also suggest that large quantities in the adult dosage of calcium be given unto this soul.

You must understand that your job in the corrective work ahead shall be in the redirection of the brain cells. First, we should acquaint thee with the brain cells. In the [dormular, dormant?] area, no entry would accept this type of damage which has come at birth; therefore, correction had to be made into this area. Correction now has been made. You shall also find slight damage into what is known as the brainstem area. With patience, this problem should heal itself. You will find that the child, therefore, shall need corrective lenses, for the child shall have double vision, and has this now. As soon as can be found practical, if this was taken care of this would reduce the dizziness and loss of equilibrium into this soul.

            We would also suggest [that] the taking of the Night-blooming Citros [Cereus]. This should be done by first drying this and grinding it into a powdery substance, therefore, mixed unto the soul’s meals. We would suggest that a 2-by-2-inch square’s be used daily. This should be done for at least six-month’s time.

            We should also suggest that as the retraining of this child commences, the child shall be very dominant, wanting his way continuously. In some things this is good, but in others this is very bad. Therefore, we would suggest that certain rules [to] his daily life be set forth and these rules carried out steadfast. A discipline at this time is a must. Without discipline, this child shall lose the repairs we have done at this point. Teaching at this time of all things should come about. The language barrier should be broken as soon as possible. If these works are done in their proper coordinance, you should find that the advancement shall soon come forth unto four, and then five.

            We should say that this child shall become a very psychic, as you would know them, person upon your plane, capable, at an early age, as you would think, performing miracles. This child should have constant teachings of God. Without these, he should forget his way, and the power set forth there should destroy him.

            And now we should say unto thee, think thee of God, your Father. Think of His ever-loving, of His ever-forgiving. Think thee of our Father and the tears He should shed for your -- Our Father loves thee. He should prepare a way for thy grief.

            Now, we should say unto soul Peter, of thy question. At one time, the man known as Jesus led two of his disciples unto the mountains, and therefore, they saw unto he of three. And, they said unto Jesus that they should prepare three tents. This is what thy have seen, again, for you have asked for miracles, and into your own prophet we gave you a sight into which he has come.

            Can you understand of which we say? [See Matthew 11:7-15 and 17:1-13.]

            "No, Aka.”

            Then we would say unto thee, study of what we have said unto thee. Think thee, soul Peter and Paul, for three nights. Think thee of God. Think thee of Aka, that we may enter thy door, and we shall come unto thee into the private of your prayers and give unto thee the revelations that are needed.

            Ask your other question.

            “Aka, my daughter has a question this evening, [11-16-70-002]. [11-16-70-002] asks in her own way, ‘Where is Heaven?’”

            (Chuckle.)We should say unto thee, as has been said before, into a child’s heart, in a child’s mind, is purity. Therefore, you question shall be answered. As the one known as Jesus has said before, “On this rock I shall build my church.” And therefore, in your thoughts shall be your heaven and hell.

            But think thee, my child, of the mansion of God. This is beyond all your galaxies, beyond all your many worlds, into the most loving, enduring thought you may possess. And there shall be your Heaven.    

            Remember of all your life unto these words, my child. For God, our Father, has looked upon thee and found it good. And the Heaven shall be yours. [See Matthew 16:17-19, 18:1-10, and Genesis, chapter 1.]

            Ask thy other question.

            "Aka, the children, or young adults,[ 8-24-70-001], [7-18-70-001],[ 11-16-70-003], they would all like to know if they have a specific purpose for this group, that they can have something that they can do, so that they can carry on as the adults do in this work."

            Yes, we see thy need. And this is good. Then we say, as we have said before, walk thee in thy own footsteps. Form thee, as thy would know it, a youth group. Do you think that our Father would close the door to you? Nay, our Father shall go with thee and bless thee. There are many of thy own age of many faiths who should drink of this wine.

            Remember, where we are, where we come from, as you would say, there is no time and no age. Therefore, a child may be the wisest of all. Take thy place and speak thy mind, but learn. First, in being a student, thy can become a teacher.

            Do thy understand of which we speak?

            "Yes." [A young person answers.]

            Nay. Nay. Then we would say in a different way. Each night that thy would meet, form the questions, that thy have in thy mind, to answer. We should come and answer these. Take thee of the readings and study of the same. For one night, each shall become a teacher, and the next, should become a student.

            Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes.” [The girl answers again.]

            Not fully, but thy shall soon.

            Then we leave thee with this message. Before thy slumber upon this night, meditate upon God, our Father, and think thee of the words of Aka, that we may enter and give thee blessings.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Aka, [11-16-70-004] has a question this evening. She asks, ’Will our financial picture improve shortly?’”

            Nay. Thy financial picture can only improve. We would answer you in this way. If thy have but one donkey, and load this beast of burden too heavy, thy should kill of the beast.

            Ask thy other question.

            “Aka, last Friday during the reading –“

            One moment, please.

            Yes, Father. Yes. Yes, Father. Yes.

             Then we would say unto this soul, your financial, material burden shall change as thy heart should change. And it should come unto thee as unto raindrops. But we would say unto thee, return thee into thy church. Worship thy Father. Remember, unto all things who would speak unto our Father, without profanity, who in his thought and soul should seek our Father, our Father should give unto [he] thy blessings. Forgive thee those who should trespass upon thee.

            Ask thy other questions.

            “Aka, we have a question this evening; it is a question from most of us in the group. Could you give us information as to what caused the confusion on last Friday’s reading?”

            We have answered your question, but we should say it in a different way. You must realize that between your plane and ours, there is a large mental step to take. Therefore, at times we should talk in riddles. We do not mean to do this. Therefore, ask and thy shall have your answer.

            You asked in your mind of the entry of Arcan. Then we would say in a different way. For there, as you would know him, the five entries of Adam upon your world; as you would know him, there were the five entries of Jehovah; therefore, there were the five entries of Moses and Isaiah, and there were the five entries of Abraham, and then there were the five entries of the man thy know as Jesus Christ. Therefore, you were shown that our instrument could be of five.

            Can you understand of which we speak?

            "I think so, Aka.”

            But remember, this entry unto which we have chosen, his mind in his awakening hours are open unto all channels. We have placed a mental block, therefore, that none but those in need, in truly need, may enter and come into this soul. We have given unto this soul the gift from our Father to forgive unto these souls and show them the light of our Father unto the heavens, as thy would know them.

            We would say unto thee, ask thy other question.

            Aka, we have no more questions this evening that we wouldn’t -- could you give us a continuation?”

            Of soul Paul; yes, we see the need. First, upon this soul, we should say, we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of soul Paul. Therefore, we should say unto this soul -- one moment, please. We would suggest that this be asked at thy next reading.

            Now is the time to awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor's note: numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona