July 25, 1970



“[Aka], with your permission, I would like to conduct Ray’s journey homeward. Would this be all right at this time? For I wish no harm to come to him.” [A man asks.]

This is good.

"Thank you.”

Now, as we have said before, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ and of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and how it shall affect God’s children. And I say of God’s children, of those who are of three. [Editor’s note: When Aka speaks of three, they often refer to those with body, soul and spirit, or those who have not become lost souls.]

Now that our Father has given us permission, this we would say to thee; that in the days of the Anti-Christ, father shall slay father [son] and mother shall slay daughter. Of all foul things shall be. But for these of God’s children who have walked tall, nay, not one hair upon their head shall be harmed, for the Anti-Christ shall have no power over those of God’s children. And that is the reason we have told thee [to] prepare for the famine. The famine shall be lean, a very short period of time. But during this time -- during this time God’s children must prepare themselves. And it is not in the preparation only of food substance that we speak, for there shall be the time of the testing of your faith. And for those with faith shall walk upon the water, and they shall heal. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay. Then we should explain in another time.

Now -- now, you have many questions, ask of these questions. Permission has been given and they shall be answered.

First, we would say to soul [6-6-70-002] of thy question. And this we would say to thee. It is not permitted for information to be given about one soul to another. But in this case, permission has been given, for the permission of the other soul involved in this situation has been given from [the] same.

Therefore, we would say to you in this way. In the life before, the one you speak of was not a mother as in this lifetime. In the life before, as thy would call it, both mother and daughter were rivals. Therefore, their karma upon this earth, at this time and at this plane, would be as such. Can thy understand of which we speak? Other information on this subject can be given, should either of these souls ask.

Now, at this time, we have here the body, the soul, and the spirit of soul [7-1-70-003]. First, of a physical nature, we would say -- we would say certain suggestions which have been given before have not been complied with. These suggestions should, at the earliest convenience of this soul, be complied with. Also, at this time rest.

Now, we have a new problem here.


This problem is what thy would call of a mastoid infection. We would suggest at this time that she consult her physician and the necessary medication for this shall come forth.

Now, for the life, as thy would call it, of this soul. This soul is a very old, old soul. We find here a karmic action in family which has been born and born again; first, [from] mother, then to daughter, then to sisters, and then to brother.


We find this soul in the beginning, as thy would call it, in man-state.

This time we shall say shall be at 1032 B.C. Now, we find this soul as a clerk, working [at] servitude as a clerk. At this time, this soul is working for one known as Priest Ra-Tai. She is keeping, or he is keeping the records at this time of the Temple of Beauty for all those who enter and the records of those who leave. We see long servitude here, long life here. This soul at this time, through the knowledge of Priest Ra-Tai, shall live for over 300 of your years.


But because of the blessed, as thy would call it, spot in the earth, her entry is sudden again. She does not take, at this time, the necessary schooling before re-entry. Instead, she chooses again to re-enter very, very soon. At this time, she chooses to enter as the Jewish people are leaving Egypt, as they wander for their 40 years with Moses. And she lives through this wandering and sees many miracles performed by Moses. And she sees the sea that parts. And she sees the mountain of fire. And then she sees the promised land. But, as Moses did not cross over, neither did she. Can thy understand of which we speak? Nay.

Then we would say of this, again we see this entry. Again, we see this entry in the time of Christ, or Jesus, as thy know him. Again, this entry shall see both brother and daughter and father and son all be as one.

Now we see this entry again, at this time not again until 1644 A.C. At this time we see the beginning of a karma, two sisters in rivalry for one. The one they are in rivalry on this plane is not the same one in which they think of upon this plane they live now. For the son is not the same, only resembles the same.

And these words of grace we would give this soul. For remember, God loves thee and blesses thee for the children and the children’s children that thy have bore into the Lord, our Father. And our Father sends His blessings into thee in thy time of need. And as we speak now, these blessings shall come into thee, and for the rest of this plane thy shall walk tall and happiness shall come to thee. These things we promise thee -- not we, but our Father.

Now, this shall be all at this time on soul [7-1-70-003]. All is in accord at this time here.

Now thy have other questions.

And, again, we would say to soul Bartholomew’s wife, we have answered your question as [did] the same time we did thy sister’s.

Now, again for soul [6-6-70-002] -- the words of wisdom that thy seek are with thee. And this we would say, if thy can find peace in the house thy dwell, then the material things that thy seek are already there.

But we would say one other. This we do usually not, but this time we do. The reason for this -- you and your husband and your children, God has given free choice. Therefore, we would suggest a path only; the choice shall be yours. If thy would seek the mountains – yes -- then do of these things. First, bring your husband and yourself into one, and your children into the same house. Second, bring all of thy worldly goods into one bundle, and then as thy walk to the market to trade them, thy shall have what thy need.

Now thy ask, “Why can not I get my husband into this house at this time?” Remember, our Father has many mansions, and He loves His children in each mansion the same. And He sheds tears for these children the same. But remember, a divided house cannot stand; therefore, we shall help thee in bringing this house into one.

This thy must do. For three days and three nights think of us. Think of us early in the morning and think of us again before thy slumber, and we should come to thee. And by coming to thee [that love] will open the door to thy household; therefore, we should enter. For we would say in this way, for each bridegroom there must be a bride. Can thy understand of which we speak?

"Yes.”  [She answers.]

And now, we would say – yes, we see this problem.


And for this one we would answer in this way. If thy should do the things that are necessary in thy mind at this time, there should be no problem of thy livelihood. Can thy understand this?

"Yes.” [A woman answers.]


"Yes.” [A man answers.]

Nay. Then we would say in this way, each of you in thought, this thought would mean something to [thee]. Take it to your hearts and study it.

Then, we would answer to the old soul, of [5-15-70-001].


We see no problem at this time. You shall have one in the future, but not at this time.

But we would have one other suggestion for this soul. If thy would open the door, as we have said before, then think of our Father first, and then the word, Aka; then we may come to thee in thy slumber tonight. Then come back and let us speak with you again.

Now, we see a problem.


You ask a translation of our words. Then speak of this translation and we should answer, for permission has been given. Then, we would say in this way. In the beginning, your world is part of a greater world; your universe is part of a greater universe. And as the worlds, and worlds to be, and worlds who have passed into nothingness, and shall pass into nothingness were created -- by our Father created -- the rays which shine from always our Father, these are from which we speak.

And thy ask of how we speak? Remember, in the translation between your time and ours, between your plane and ours, our Father said, “SPEAK.” Our Father made His choice of the instrument. And, in another time, the first of the same still meant the same, for the first of the name at that time meant “beloved,” or “David,” or “unto.” All, in many, many languages, mean the same. Now, of the second; and those were chosen for the rays that came from our Father in which we travel, and the direction they came would be the same, for we travel from the east. Can thy understand from which we speak? [Editor’s note: Ammie Ray were the first and second names of the instrument, or man, through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke.]

"Yes, Aka.”

Now, soul John [4-6-70-001] would ask a question. But first, we would speak to this soul. Study, soul John, of yourself in a time before. Therefore, your problems would be less, and the understanding of yourself would be easier, for what has happened to you before is happening again. Can you understand of this?

"Yes.” [4-6-70-001 answers.]

Then ask. Ask of this question.

“[4-6-70-003] asks” –

“No, [4-6-70-001’s] question.” [Someone whispers to the moderator.]

“[4-6-70-001’s] question?” [The moderator answers her.]

“‘As Aka has spoken before, “As in our eyes, as we see it, it may not be a sin in the eyes of God.” What sin in accordance to the Ten Commandments -- how may we be forgiven if we sin in accordance to our Ten Commandments?’”

If thy sin in accordance with the commandments, first, we would say to you of this. The commandments were written by God upon stone with fire. Therefore, we would say in this way; once thy have knowledge that thy have sinned, that in itself is the ending of a karma. If thy have sinned, by knowing of this and by admitting it to thyself, and forgiving thyself, but learning from [the] same, and going on to face whatever is in front of you in life, that is forgiveness in itself.

But remember, our Father loves His children. Our Father loves His children more than themselves. And all our Father really asks, the one commandment, “love thy God greater than thyself,” for God loves you greater than Himself. Can thy understand this?

"Yes, Aka.”

Then, soul John [4-6-70-001], we would say to you, be careful in your speech. Your mind at this time is stronger than thy realize. We have given to you the power to walk upon water because of your faith. Your hands and thy mind may heal, but they may also destroy this healing. So remember, touch only with love each creature, even to the smallest of this earth. And as thy touch them, both with thy hands and thy lips, and with thy speech, then healing and love of our Father shall be known to them. Can thy understand of this?

“Yes, Aka.”  [4-6-70-001 answers.]

Remember, my son, our Father loves thee with all His heart and soul. And for our Father, that is a great deal of love, more than your whole world has ever known.

Now soul Ray is growing tired and we are growing weak. Thy have another question, ask.

"At this time, Aka, is there any more information on soul Andrew?”

Soul Andrew shall know of himself. Therefore, the healing that is necessary shall be taken care of. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay? Then we would say again, think of us for three nights before thy slumber. Each day, during these three days, each time thy see the smallest creature upon your earth think only of what a miracle of creation you have before you. Can thy understand this, soul Andrew?

"I think so.”

Now is the time to waken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: Numbers are substituted for the names which were spoken, to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the audio tape for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1970 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona.