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Summer of 2002

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~Erika's Debut (Jun. 21, 2002)~
She, Ybon, Winnie, Tee, ME and Kris! Jilly and ME! Jeff and Jilly! Ybon, ME, Tee! Me and Jules Marky what are you doing? *haha! Ed, Mare, ME and Marky! Theresa's Fingers...*haha lol! ME, Tee, Ybon, Kris, Maika and Winnie! Marky, Jules, Jeff and Jay in the bg...*HAHA! ME and Isabelle! Kris, Maika, Jose, Ria, ME, Jen and the funny guys in the, Ed, Carlos and Pat Isabelle, Winnie, Tee, Maika, Kris, ME, Ybon , Maciek and Shiela! ME and ugly! Pat, Jay, Jules, Marky, Jeff, ME, Jilly and Maika!