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Just My Life
Tuesday, 11 May 2004
Tuesday Boredom
Hey everybody! I just remembered that I have this cool thing that I can write on and since I was typing my english cut anyway, I thought I might as well write some more!!
So about how my life is going....I guess it's okay. The whole moving to Eugene thing--thats over. As of now, we're moving to Washington. Its all good. I'll be living by my uncle and aunt and some of my fave cousins!
I still haven't started packing though which isn't too cool. I have like 2 weeks to get it all done! But I'll do it eventually, probably like the night before. haha
Well, I'm going to bed now .. so I'll talk to ya lata! much love!!

Posted by in4/andraea at 9:51 PM EDT
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Thursday, 22 April 2004
Babysitting Blahs
Yeah you better believe that's the French coming out in me...all those hours with Mrs. Kane in French class have finally paid off-I can say hello!! haha but anyway, this week has been TOTALLY packed so I couldn't write in this thing.
This has been my routine this week: get up, go to school, get on the bus, babysit, go home, take shower and go to bed. Everyday. Even today when we had a half day...unfortunately. So I'm tired and not in a terribly happy mood. I think I'm going to do the "shower and bed" part right now so tata!!

Posted by in4/andraea at 9:15 PM EDT
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Saturday, 17 April 2004
Hey everybody! This is my "blog" whatever that is... i think its jut kind of like an online diary thing that anybody who wants to can look at. And since I'm bored and putting off my homework as much as possible, what better time to create my own blog! lol!
So most of you know this already, but I'm Andraea. Blonde, blue eyes, 5'3" and stuff like that. My family is currently in the process of moving from Indiana to Oregon, which is why I sprained my ankle last night. Yeah I know you're wondering...How do you figure that the prospect of moving can cause somebody bodily harm? Well, wonder no more- I will tell you.
Over spring break, my family took a little trip to Eugene, Oregon mainly because we have 2 months until we have to be out of our house here and we hadn't really even thought about buying a house there up until this point. So we went there, saw some ugly houses, saw some friends and all that jazz. Then we came home last Tuesday. Being the procrastinator that I am, I left my suitcase of laundry on the floor in the middle of my bedroom...I would get to the laundry room with it eventually. So last night, I was really tired after having babysat for 5 hours. I walked into my room and proceeded to run right into the bar things that connect the handle to the suitcase. I rolled my right ankle over on it and that is why I am sitting here with a foot that looks like it has a big blue mountain on it. Another thing - if we had found a house there and had accomplished our goal of having our offer on it accepted, I might not be so mad about having tripped on my suitcase....but we made an offer on a house that wasn't accepted and now we have no house here or there and so that suitcase is getting no forgiveness from me...See? Moving really did hurt me. ;)
Well, I think that I've typed enough for now...this is pretty fun though-venting into the computer...this is probably why i never kept a diary. It would have taken me like an hour to write all of this stuff and this has only taken me 10 minutes. So until next time...CIAO!! :)

Posted by in4/andraea at 3:12 PM EDT
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