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The "Klutz" At Her Finest Cheez Fries ForeverAs If You Wanted To Hear More About MeSupport Freedom!

Amandaguuse Log: April 22, 2002

Oh my god! Stop the Presses! I have updated my website! I know, I know, what a historic event... Everyone keeps telling me that they look to see if my website it updated, but they're always disappointed to see that it isn't. Well, rest your fears everyone, the Amandaguuse is back :) I finally got my photo editor installed so that the Mischa pic isn't giant like it was the last few times you probably visited this site, so yay :) Just a reminder, anyone who wants to showcase their pet on the site can if you just Email ME! .

It's Dead Week up here at Purdue after a rather interesting Grand Prix Weekend. Saw a lot of drunkards out there, including some guy claiming that his plunger was Excalibur and proceeded to go around randomly knighting people. The race was cold, but fun. I apologize that my digital camera is finicky, for anyone who I asked to take a picture for me. Soon we have to say goodbye to the seniors over at Sigma Kappa. I haven't gotten to know all of em, but I will miss em! Come back and visit us! Well, I think that's it from here. I should be studying and doing my I hope all of you have a wonderful day and pray that this weather gets warmer (but not too hot like last week...blech!)

Adios amigos!


This is Jessie's cat, Mischa, who has been around forever! I remember when she first got Mischa when we were little! Traditionally, she was an indoor cat, but ever since Jessie moved into her condo with her mom, Misch has been able to experience at least some of the outdoors. She's known for her loud meowing over the past few years... hey, she's getting old, she's got a right to complain... She's also known for sometimes attacking Jessie's stuffed animals... I think Enrique el Tiburron (the SEXY shark) had to be protected from her. All in all, Misch is an awesome cat, and I've loved being able to shout "Hiya Misch!" when she comes in the room :)

Feeling the need to showcase your pet on Pet O' The Week? Email me!

Amanda's Quick List for this Week:

Ack! Dead Week Is Here!

Top Ten Ways To Procrastinate Studying For Your Finals Next Week:

  1. Spend your day trying to figure out the damn crossword and Cryptoquip in The Exponent (Okay, at least it takes ME all day...)
  2. Learn a new foreign Elvish (believe it or not, people study it for a living...)
  3. Translate your favorite lines from The Princess Diaries into Elvish
  4. Play the "penis" game with your roomie (I didn't say that out loud, did I?)
  5. Spend a day in WalMart
  6. Download your favorite episode of Smallville and stare at the gorgeous guy who plays Clark for the entire hour. Repeat.
  7. SNOOD
  8. Make Harry Potter pajama pants with Kate
  9. Complain about Windsor's menu for that day
  10. Make up silly lists for silly websites like I am doing right here!

    Got another way to procrastinate??Email Me!

    It's the Pic of the Week!

    Grand Prix was this weekend! Here's all of us enjoying the rather...uh...chilly weather before the start of the race. From front left: Matt, Me (Yes, I believe this is the firt time I've ever let myself be shown on the Internet...ack!), Kristy. Next row L to R: Jamie, Megan, Molly. Top Row: Erin, I can't remember his name (sorry!), Carolyn, Jason.

    Now It's Time For the Part of the Website Where Amanda Blurts Out Some Random Things!

    Quote of the Week:
    "Some people are so stupid it hurts me." --A now famous Regan quote ;)
    Wonder of the Week:
    I wonder why I can never come up with a good "wonder" when I write this section...
    Thought of the Week:
    Harry Potter pants... Harry Potter pants... When am I going to make my Harry Potter pajama pants??

    Some other sites that may be of interest to you!

    My Simple Shrine to Christmas!!
    A Website of Purely Piratical Nature!
    Official Member of the Cheez Fry Gang!
    Check Out What's Up on Campus!
    Obsessed with the SIMS like me? Go here!

    **Remember to Support Freedom This Summer!!**

    Don't Forget to Email Me With Your Comments!