The Raven and the Writing Desk

Welcome to my small corner on the web where I post the fanfiction I write under the name of Alexandra Lynch. Read and enjoy...that's why they're here.

By clicking on any link, you declare you are over the legal age to read sexually explicit material in your jurisdiction. I do not write pornography, but I do deal with mature themes including sexuality and violence. If you don't like that, or object to people in any combinations of gender having sex, even in implication, may I suggest that you find yourself somewhere less stressful by use of the back button on your browser.

Now, on to the fics...

Harry Potter
Stories involving the characters and the world of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

Arthurian Legends
The stories of King Arthur and the Round Table.

Things I Like
Things I like a lot and reread that are written by other people. I bow before their genius.

Rants and Other Non-fictional Things
Just what it says.


6/10/04: But A Shadow. Harry and Ginny, dreams, and the shadows that come at one am. PG-13.

Masks NC-17. Sometimes we wear our masks most when we are wearing nothing else.

I am still working on "The Waiting Game" and "New Beginnings"...expect to see scenes once I'm sure I like them myself.

I like feedback: email me at the link below or visit my LiveJournal, and let me know what you think. I warn you that since gas prices have gone up, all flames will be used to feed the furnace.
