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Dear Parents and Students,

This is an exciting school year as I begin my new career as a School Psychology Intern. As most of you know I have spent the past four years taking courses at Nova Southeastern University to earn my Masters Degree, and at the end of this school year a Specialist Degree in School Psychology while working at Eagle Point and then Country Hills Elementary. I must tell you all that the strategies I taught you guys to do well on the FCAT, I've been using myself, and quite successfully I might add. I got 'A's in all my classes and passed both required exams with flying colors - so they really work if you use them when you are reading and studying in all your subjects!

I hope to be running into you as I do rotations around the county. I've already seen some of you at Falcon Cove. All I can say is that those of you I've seen are growing up to be stunning young ladies and gentlemen!

Please continue to e-mail me, I enjoy hearing how you are growing up and what new things you are up to. Some of you have moved to other cities - let me know in case I visit there!

I am in the process of changing the website to show strategies that teachers and students can use to improve learning experiences. If you remember anything that has helped you get good grades over the years, please e-mail me at the address below. I'll add it to a list of Student Recommended Strategies and give you credit (first name only for your safety!).

In the aftermath of Wilma, I was concerned about some of you who had also lived through Andrew just before you came into our kindergarten class. How did living through Andrew affect your experience with Wilma? Please e-mail to let me know. Those of you who have my aol address can e-mail me there as well. Stay safe and be well!

With warmest regards,

Susan Flax

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