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Subj: TO: Governor Bush, Jerry Regier, and President Bush:
Date: 09/08/2002 4:11:12 PM Central Daylight Time
From: IreneReneePetit

To President Bush, Governor Bush, and Jerry Regier:
Governor Bush, I sent you an email and fax on 8/8/02 simply asking if I might be allowed to meet with you so we could discuss possible solutions for Florida's failing DCF. I received a call from your office on 8/14/02, and was told that you couldn't meet with me, but that someone from your staff would get in touch with me. On 8/15/02, I received a letter from Tara H. Wainwright stating that my message to you had been forwarded to Laura Branker, Deputy Chief of Staff, and that a representative from that office would contact me in the near future. I've heard nothing since then. I emailed you a signature letter which I'd started circulating on-line on 6/19/02, concerning the failing DCF, on 8/14/02, after hearing about Ms. Kearney's resignation. You did not reply.

Mr. Regier, after hearing that you had been selected to head Florida's DCF, I faxed you a questionnaire on 8/17/02, asking how you planned to work for the citizens of Florida, especially the children, parents, and family members who had already suffered in one way or another due to the failing DCF. You did not reply.

Mr. President, having no one else to turn to, I forwarded my signature letter concerning Florida's failing DCF, (originally intended for Governor Bush) to you on 8/28/02, because so many Citizens from all states wanted to add their names, thereby making it a National Dilemma, not only for Florida's DCF, but for all child welfare agencies Nationwide. You did not reply.

Gentlemen, I am no one special. I don't have a degree, although I did major in Criminal Justice and Social Services, but had to quit when they wanted me to take Algebra...I'm not a Math person! However, I, AM a people-person, and I go out of my way to help people however I can. I also despise any sort of injustice, and will never stop fighting for justice and fairness to be served, the truth to be known, and for the Rights of the Sovereign Citizens Of the United States of America to be restored. Like I said, I am no one special. I'm a 49 year old lady who left my abusive ex-husband in 1986, raised three wonderful children by myself, survived brain surgery for a life-threatening cerebral aneurysm and 3 strokes in 1990, returned to work, college, and delivering Meals-on-Wheels within 3 months, remarried a wonderful USAF Retired Master Sergeant in April, 1999, who's son recently graduated with honors from the Citadel as an Army Officer, survived the suicide of my best only son, at age 21 in June, 1999, had my family further destroyed when the DCF took my grandchildren from my daughter in February, 2000, even though she had never harmed them, abused drugs or alcohol, or been charged with a crime, etc, etc, etc. She did everything they said she had to do, was promised she'd get her kids back when she had completed her case plan, which she did, but the DCF broke their promise, and she still doesn't have her children!

Now you know how I came to discover what really goes on in Florida's DCF and Juvenile Courts. You see, I was unaware of the injustice inflicted upon innocent children, parents, and entire families, as I never had any dealings with the HRS, as it was known while I was raising my children as a single parent. Thanks to the Internet, I found groups consisting of parents who'd had their darling children taken away from them, with absolutely no credible or substantial evidence presented as to why. I've read their horror stories, cried with them, and prayed with them. Together, we've cried for the children in state custody we read about who are being neglected, abused, and sadly, murdered, then wonder if the next child we read about will be one of ours.

So, please enlighten me...why are children snatched from their loving, innocent parents, when absolutely no credible evidence is presented to cut familial bond? Do you realize what mental and emotional anguish this causes, not only to the child, but to the parents and families as well? Do you realize that this mental abuse inflicted upon children is considered CHILD ABUSE? DO YOU CARE? I DO, even though I'm no one special...just a registered voter, taxpayer, mother, grandmother, wife, and Citizen of the United States of America. You must be aware that there are thousands, if not millions, more like me who are 'no one special,' yet they care about the health and well-being of our nation's children, parents, and families, which are the very foundation of our Nation. Please place this injustice inflicted upon innocent children, parents, and families at the top of your list of priorities...for the sake of our Nation!

Mrs. Irene Renee Petit
(No one special, but someone who cares!)
1114 E. John Sims Pkwy, #277
Niceville, FL 32578


Subj: Regarding our child welfare system
Date: 09/09/2002 10:11:01 AM Central Daylight Time
From: Sharon.Jenkins-Ford@LASPBS.STATE.FL.US (Jenkins-Ford, Sharon)

September 9, 2002
Ms. Irene Petit

Dear Ms. Petit:

Thank you for your e-mail to Governor Bush regarding our child welfare system and your generous offer to assist. The Governor has asked that I respond on his behalf.

We have received suggestions from several citizens and they have been shared with the Department of Children & Families as strategies are developed to further ensure our children's safety. While we have not considered the ideaof establishing Yellow Ribbon Panels at this time, we are working to address the concerns of oversight and accountability, such as those discussed by the Blue Ribbon Panel. Governor Bush and his staff are currently analyzing the panel's initial recommendations for implementation and applicability, statewide. The interim report, in its entirety, is available at A final report is due September 15th, 2002.

The Governor's primary concern continues to be the safety and well-being of children. Through a concerted effort, the child welfare system will become a consumer-driven, fiscally responsible, community-based system of care protecting the best interest of Florida's younger citizens. Although there is still much work to be done, over the last four years there have been significant strides in our child welfare system including:

* More than doubling the funding for child welfare which is being used to address some of the problems you mentioned in your letter.
* The implementation of community-based child welfare services.
* Continued development of HomeSafenet, a web-based information system intended to provide an electronic case file for tracking services to all child abuse victims,
* Equipping child abuse investigators with cell phones, laptops, and immediate access to state and federal criminal records,
* Increased support services for foster parents including funding for mentoring, recruitment stipends and in-home professional staff assistance for children with serious behavioral problems,
* Improving independent living services for youth leaving foster care,
* Expanding and providing comprehensive continuum of services for parents with substance abuse and mental health disorders whose children are victims of abuse or at-risk of abuse, and
* Enhancing domestic violence shelters and services for women and their children who are victimized by family violence.

Again, thank you for writing and for the role you are willing to play to ensure that Florida's most precious assets, our children, are afforded every opportunity for successful development. By copy of this letter, we are also forwarding your suggestion and list of volunteers to Secretary Jerry Regier.


Tonja Webb, Governmental Analyst
Health and Human Services
Executive Office of the Governor

cc: Secretary Jerry Regier