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Welcome to Zetarose's Cyber Home

Here are a few random sites for ya till I get things more organized.

Moby online
1000 journals
I can dance if I wanna

See the books I've read on my Bookshelf at


Welcome to my homepage and thankyou for visiting! Before getting started I must give the obligatory... "THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION" statement. I had a page with anglefire for a couple of years now, but something happened to it, so being in the mood to work on it I decided to just make a new one. So here goes. Hopefully when all is said and done you will find many things on this page. First of all hopefully you'll have a better understanding of me. Secondly, you will find pages on many different subjects such as music, entertainment, education, scotland, and much much more. So without further ado lets get started. If you'd like to learn a little about me just click on the Zetarose link.

One of my favorite hobbies that I like to pretend I am good at is Photography. So I thought I'd throw together a page with some samples of my photos.

Zetarose's Attempts at Photography

(** This page is currently out of order due to changes with freakin' photopoint. I hope to have it back up soon. Sorry... **)

*** Thought I would add this alteration of one of my photographs here that was sent to me by Scott Freeman. I think it's really cool that something I made inspired some one else to do something creative. Thanks Scott you did a really nice job! ***

Just click on it to see a larger version.

All of my moby material has been moved to my new moby Fan Site... WOO HOO... Come check it out!

Zetarose's Moby Fan Site!!!

Be sure to leave me some feedback.. either on my guest book or via email.. I'm still working on it.. I'm trying to decide which background to use so let me know which one you like best... and if there is anything else I should add to the site.. Thanks!

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