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Welcome To PHILLIP FLANDERS New Home Page

Here is a picture of me and some of my friend.
We took it at a bar in San Antonio, down on the River Walk.

Well I would like to tell you all a little bit about myself. First of all my name is Phillip Flanders and I live in the great state of TEXAS. The little town that I live in is called ALICE. The town is about 40 miles West of Corpus Chrisit and about 150 miles South of San Antonio. I am 25 years old. I have one older brother and his name is Tim. I have two loving parents that I try to see as much as possible. I recently graduated from Texas A&M University with a dagree in computer science. I now have a job with Covance Research Products here in Alice. As you can tell I am one of the biggest Garth Brooks fans that will ever live. I am also a huge fan of Sandra Bullock. Well that is all I can think of reight now but if you have any questions at all please feel free to write me a email and ask away. Why don't you look around a little in the mean time.

Click Here To See My Sandra Bullock And Garth Brooks Section

Click Here To See My Movie Review Section

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Here Are A Few On My Favorite Places On the Net. Click On There Pictures To See Them.

The Best Radio Station In South Texas

All The Information That You Will Ever Want To Know About Garth Brooks

Here Is Where You Can Ask All The Questions You Could Even Think About Garth Brooks

All The Information That You Will Ever Want To Know About Chris Gaines
You Can Get Everything Gath Brooks Here That You Would Ever Want
