Paris Peace Conference

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At the Paris Peace conference, where the Treaty of Versailles, the main treaty in W.W.I, was signed on June 28th, 191, much happened. A plan was presented early, the fourteen points, by which the treaty was to resemble. Unfortunately, many countries entered with many demands which would change and weaken the original plan. Foremost, the demands of each country were severe and harsh towards Germany. Italy’s Orlando wanted a part of Germany, the Tiroi, and two cities, Flume and Trieste. Britain wanted Germanys holdings in Africa. France came in demanding the Alsace and Lorraine, and also they wanted Rhineland. Even Belgium wanted some more land. Eventually, France got back the Alsace and Lorraine, and all of Germany’s colonies were lost. The diplomats there gave Germany a huge war debt and a war guilt clause saying that Germany started the war. Finally, almost all of Germany’s army was to be let go, and the provisions mad it so Germany could never become a military force if they followed the treaty. Obviously they didn’t, because of the debts and limitations on weapons, the economy suffered, hurting the Weimer empire, which let Hitler come in with his fascism in the form of Nazism. With all these demands, Wilson knew he had to give in on some points. But, the amount he conceded was absurd, and the fourteen points might have well not been taken into consideration. The Germans were shocked with the treaty, but because of the long wait for it to be signed after the armistice in November of 1918, the army was gone, and the government overthrown, so nothing could be done. However, the were deeply angered, and eventually they got vengeance.
