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Day to day things, that make you have to stop and look at life and laugh.  Life is hard and  like a rollercoaster ride
sometimes.  But the coaster stops at one point and you may be dizzy for awhile, but you finally settle down.
(That is until you get on the next coaster ride!)

Life is everything BUT everyday things like work. You MUST take time to relax, enjoy and learn something for yourself!


Gender Stuff!

What a Smart Man! - Statics by a smart man to pass on to other men!

Its a Gender Thing! - Battle of the sexes anyone? A little humor here!

Married Life - What a difference in 50 years! A look back at the differences!

Life's Lessons!

Instructions for Life!

Feeling Old? Consider this...

19 Things it took 50 Years to Learn!

5 Great Lessons to Learn in Life! - Stories that make you think about what is important.

Slow Dance - A poem of life.

Seeds Of Life - An inspirational Poem, about family and what is important!



Makes You Think Stuff!

Take a Moment and Just Think... - Lifes Natural Highs!

Time - An inspirational writing about what's important in life and what should be a priority!

How to Make a Life! - Philosophy for Life - (These are  Microsoft Power Point Download presentations, and has Ann Geddes Baby Photographs! Very Cool!)

Things aren't always what they seem... - New!  The story passed to me by my cousin Tiffany! I just created a page for it...very touching story! (Makes one think!)

Right Now! - Always remember, somebody loves you!

Interview with God -  A page my aunt Elsie passed on to me, it touched my heart! ( I did NOT create this page!)


Kids Gotta Love 'Em!

HOW TO KNOW WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE READY TO HAVE KIDS! -- Find out if you have what it takes on the humor side!

So you want to date my daughter? - A letter from a father about  his daughters potential date! (Chuckle!)

Kids...gotta love em! - True humor stories of parents and kids!

Baby Quiz - Questions couples ask when contemplating Pregancy! (A bit of a humor twist!)


Golden Years - a Dr. Suess Poem?

Not a Morning Person! - A cute humorous poems for those like us who hate to get outta bed in the morning!

Heard of the DARWIN AWARDS? --- Darwin Awards and other True humor Stories! ;) (This page is FUNNY!)

History Items (This is true stuff!)

Ullysses S. Grant - Did you know that he actually got a $20.00 fine for speeding on his horse? Find out this and other facts about the famous General turned President on my webpage dedicated to this great man. Lots of photos of him and his family here! (Great for kids!)


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