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Josh Hawley

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Some highlights....

Hey everyone guess what??? I finally updated my page again!!! Find out what's new with me, including the love of my life, on the "what's new with me" page!!! You must go to the Metallica link to read all about my 2 Metallica concerts a few summers ago with some pics!!!
Well I hate to say it, but my infamous show DUMBASS has been put on the shelf. But you can read about all our stunts and get info on the greatest spectacle in stupidity on the DUMBASS page.
I am finally back in school, at IUPUI up in Indianapolis, so I've went from an Eagle to a Jaguar, which is a little more fitting i think!
Also the biggest news of my life, I'm getting married!!! That's right, married on August 7th 2004!!!

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This picture is of me and my friends down at USI. I'm the guy on the left!


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