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kaiba Purity Test

The anime Purity Test

Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".
The "submit" button is at the bottom.

  1. I named my pet affter a anime person
  2. i started to lern jap. so i don't have to whate a long time to see new anime
  3. do you know what nani is?
  4. do you have a web site about anime ?
  5. a fan club about anime?
  6. made any polls about anime?
  7. taken any?
  8. taken any anime quizes?
  9. made an anime quize?
  10. can you no longer call you wall a wall any more due to your anime posters?
  11. do you even know what anime is?
  12. do you have a few taps/dvds of anime?
  13. anime games?
  14. you DO know who clamp is right?
  15. do you hate it when you say anime all they can think of is only pokemon ?
  16. did you join a few anime mailing list?
  17. why yes i did i made a few myself!
  18. you have taken a few more Purity Test then this one right, that were about anime?
  19. have you made a anime Purity Test?
  20. your email name is a anime one ?
  21. is you msn name a anime one?

Good going!