News Archive May 16-31 2002

May 31, 2002. Britain is getting ready for the four-day weekend.
BBC News picture gallery
BBC News: Diary of a street party, part 2
BBC News article
Musicians have begun rehearsing in the Palace grounds for the Jubilee concerts.
BBC News article
The town of Jubilee Crescent will have just one street party this year--not two rival ones, as in 1977.
BBC News article
The Mall will feature diverse parades on Tuesday.
BBC News article
Britain has changed a great deal during the Queen's reign--or has it?
BBC News article
David Beckham hopes to deliver a Jubilee victory for England in the World Cup.
Telegraph article
Formerly secret Treasury files reveal how the Queen opposed a plan to create a Department of the Crown.
Telegraph article
After two years of planning, Major Sir Michael Parker is ready for Jubilee Weekend.
Telegraph article
The Sex Pistols' re-release of God Save the Queen has not been a success.
Telegraph article
Despite some reports to the contrary, Buckingham Palace is managing its finances just fine.
Times Online article 1
Times Online article 2
Times Online article 3
Times Online article 4
Contrary to earlier predictions, most Britons are staying in the country this weekend.
Times Online article
Tuesday's climactic finale has been precisely timed.
Times Online schedule
Times Online article

May 30, 2002. The Golden Jubilee will be celebrated throughout the world this weekend.
BBC News article
Biker Alan "Snob" Fisher is proud to be participating in the celebrations.
BBC News article
Heavy rain did not keep loyal Scots from turning out to greet their Queen on the last day of her Jubilee tour yesterday.
Telegraph article
Times Online article
Good weather is predicted for the first part of Jubilee Weekend; Monday may be showery.
Telegraph article
A medieval English crown has been returned to the Tower of London.
Times Online article
The Queen's new Bentley will be used for the first time to take her and Prince Philip to St Paul's on Tuesday.
Times Online article
London is ready for the crowds as a poll indicates that a healthy majority of Britons plan to celebrate Jubilee Weekend.
Times Online article
Yahoo! News article
Some of pop music's biggest stars will perform for the Jubilee on June 3.
New York Times article

May 29, 2002. Organisers denied that Royal Academy of Music students playing in the Jubilee pop concert for free are being "exploited."
BBC News article
The Queen concluded her Scottish tour with a visit to the Borders.
BBC News article
Beacons will light up the United Kingdom on June 3.
BBC News article
In yesterday's speech, the Queen expressed her support and respect for the Scottish Parliament.
Telegraph article

May 28, 2002. BBC News: Jubilee tour diary: Western Isles
BBC News: Jubilee tour diary: Scottish mainland
Former King Zahir Shah announced that he would accept the position of head of state if offered it by the loya jirga.
New York Times article
One street in London's East End is just one of many neighborhoods planning a Jubilee street party.
BBC News article
British scientists in Antarctica are ready for the "coolest" Jubilee celebrations.
BBC News article
Queen Elizabeth addressed the Scottish Parliament in Aberdeen.
BBC News article
BBC News picture gallery
The Queen and other members of the royal family will join Sir Paul McCartney on stage for "All You Need is Love."
Telegraph article
The left-leaning think tank Demos has called for the Queen to announce an abdication date.
Telegraph article
Scotland's Western Isles warmly welcomed the Queen and Prince Philip yesterday.
Telegraph article
Princes William and Harry will attend church, not the World Cup, on June 2.
Telegraph article

May 27, 2002. Widespread enthusiasm for Jubilee street parties disproves predictions of apathy.
BBC News article
Scots greeted their sovereign enthusiastically in the Highlands and Islands.
BBC News article
BBC News picture gallery
The Queen may echo Queen Victoria's 1887 gesture of affection for her eldest son and heir.
Telegraph article
Scottish Nationalists objected to plans to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the union of the crowns of England and Scotland next year.
Telegraph article
The Scotsman article
BBC News article
Sixty Windsor stewards have resigned from their duties at St George's Chapel.
Telegraph article
Newlyweds Princess Martha Louise of Norway and Ari Behn successfully concealed their honeymoon departure and destination from the press.
Aftenposten article
Aftenposten picture series: The party's over

May 26, 2002. In yesterday's address, the Queen thanked her Scottish subjects for their sympathy for her losses this year.
Telegraph article
The funeral of the Queen Mother has apparently boosted tourism in Britain.
Telegraph article
Some Jubilee concert ticket recipients have offered them for sale at huge prices.
Telegraph article

May 25, 2002. Human remains found in Yekaterinburg are likely to be those of members of the murdered Russian imperial family.
BBC News article
The Queen addressed the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in Edinburgh.
BBC News article
Three African tribeswomen have brought their distinctive artistic contributions to the Golden Jubilee.
Telegraph article
The timing of a new BBC documentary about the relationship between the Queen and the late Princess of Wales seems odd as Jubilee Weekend approaches.
Telegraph article
With the opening of the Falkirk Wheel yesterday, the Queen officially completed Britain's largest canal restoration project.
Telegraph article
Times Online article
Jubilee Weekend, centered in London, will include celebrations throughout the United Kingdom.
Telegraph event guide
A new poll suggests that Britons are looking forward to the Jubilee, and expect the monarchy to survive the 21st century.
Telegraph article
Prince Albert's continued bachelorhood could let Monaco's succession pass to his sisters.
Telegraph article

May 24, 2002. Princess Martha Louise of Norway and Ari Behn exchanged vows in Trondheim's medieval Nidaros Cathedral.
BBC News article 2
BBC News article 1
New York Times article
Aftenposten picture series 2: Royals on parade
Aftenposten picture series 1: The royal newlyweds
Aftenposten: Toasts bring more tears (of joy) at royal wedding
Aftenposten: Royals parade to wedding reception
Aftenposten: Wedding ceremony evoked Middle Ages
Aftenposten: Royal wedding draws out the crowds
Aftenposten: Cathedral filled with lilies for royal wedding
Buckingham Palace is preparing for Jubilee Weekend.
BBC News picture gallery
Continuing her Scottish tour, the Queen opened the world's only rotating boatlift in Falkirk.
BBC News article
The Queen received a warm welcome in Glascow yesterday.
Telegraph article
Lord Sterling, chairman of the Golden Jubilee Weekend Trust, is confident about the upcoming celebrations.
Telegraph interview
Families have a chance to win prime seats for the festivities.
Telegraph offer
Buckingham Palace security hopes that guests at the Jubilee concerts will not dress too elaborately.
Times Online article

May 23, 2002. The couple celebrated with family and friends.
Aftenposten article
Aftenposten picture series
Trondheim will host Norway's second royal wedding within the past year tomorrow, as Princess Martha Louise weds Ari Behn.
BBC News article
Hello! article
Aftenposten: The Wedding in English
As Queen Elizabeth II began her tour of Scotland, nationalists insisted that north of the border she should be known as Elizabeth I.
BBC News article 2
BBC News article 1
Telegraph article
The Queen expressed her appreciation for Britain's cultural stars at last night's arts gala.
Telegraph article

May 22, 2002. Princess Martha Louise and her fiance Ari Behn arrived in Trondheim, where they gave a press conference.
Aftenposten article 1
Aftenposten article 2
Hello! article
Stars of arts and entertainment were honored by the Queen at the Royal Academy of Arts tonight.
BBC News article
The Queen opened her new art gallery, giving one young visitor a short history lesson in the process.
Telegraph article
More than 1,800 beacons will be lit across the world to celebrate the Golden Jubilee.
Telegraph article

May 21, 2002. The new Queen's Gallery, featuring the "Royal Treasures" exhibit, opens to the public tomorrow.
BBC News picture gallery
BBC News article
The Queen's advice has been greatly valued by the ten prime ministers of her reign.
BBC News article
The Prince of Wales's healing garden won a silver medal.
BBC News article
New York Times article
At yesterday's preview, Prince Charles showed his parents the garden he designed for the Chelsea Flower Show.
Telegraph article
The Times article
Buckingham Palace is "studying" the Fabian Society's request to participate in its inquiry into the role of the monarchy.
Telegraph article
The Times article
The Queen will host arts and entertainment celebrities at the Royal Academy of Arts tomorrow.
The Times article
London Underground will run all night during Jubilee Weekend.
The Times article
The anti-monarchist group Republic plans a new advertising campaign.
Guardian article

May 20, 2002. A new poll suggests that the young Norwegian royals' choices of spouses have not benefited the monarchy.
Aftenposten article
Trondheim is preparing for Princess Martha Louise's wedding on Friday.
Aftenposten article
Monaco's Prince Rainier III has returned home from the hospital.
New York Times article
The left-wing Fabian Society plans to ask the Queen for her views on the future of the monarchy.
BBC News article
The Queen and Prince Philip attended a special preview of the Chelsea Flower Show.
BBC News article
BBC News picture gallery
Archaeologists have discovered the grave of King Henry VIII's older brother Prince Arthur (1486-1502).
Telegraph article
New York Times article
Tony Blair told William Shawcross about his relationship with the Queen for the BBC documentary Queen and Country.
Telegraph article
Secret papers related to the late Queen Mother and her brother-in-law's 1936 abdication will be released later this year.
The Times article

May 19, 2002. The Golden Jubilee makes London an especially exciting destination for travelers this summer.
New York Times article
Prince Rainier III has altered Monaco's succession rules in order to ensure the survival of the Grimaldi dynasty.
Telegraph article
Police are investigating the theft of allegedly anti-EU letters written by Prince Charles to a member of the European Parliament.
Telegraph article
The route of the June 4 Jubilee procession has been changed to give sponsors a better view.
The Times article
The BBC is producing a drama about the Queen's uncle Prince John (1905-1919).
The Times article
Previously unseen 1931 footage shows the playful side of the future Queen Elizabeth II.
The Times article
Berlin society has rediscovered the German nobility.
Telegraph article
The Jubilee pageant "All the Queen's Horses" at Windsor Great Part celebrated the monarch's love of riding.
BBC News picture gallery

May 18, 2002. Windsor celebrated the Jubilee with a spectacular horse show.
BBC News article
More on the "Royal Treasures" exhibit:
Telegraph article
The Times article
Guardian article
Independent article
Clarence House will be opened to the public after Prince Charles moves in.
The Times article
The details of the Queen Mother's will were disclosed.
Independent article
Guardian article

May 17, 2002. Sir Elton John is not sure if the Queen likes his music, but looks forward to her Jubilee.
Yahoo! News article
St. James's Palace defended the size of the retinue that accompanied Camilla Parker Bowles to Lisbon.
Telegraph article
Punk singer Johnny Rotten's attitude toward the Queen has softened a bit since the Silver Jubilee.
Telegraph article
Prince Philip rode a mini-motorcycle as Britain enjoyed unusually warm weather.
The Times article
"Royal Treasures" are being exhibited at the new Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace.
The Times article
BBC News article 2
BBC News article 1

May 16, 2002. Overall, the Queen's Northern Ireland tour was a success.
Telegraph article
The Times article
Prince Charles dedicated his Chelsea Flower Show garden to the memory of his grandmother.
Telegraph article
The Times article
The Golden Jubilee celebrations are expected to attract more attention from TV viewers than the World Cup.
Telegraph article
King Louis XVI's handwritten copy of his last speech before the French Revolution is to be auctioned.
Telegraph article

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