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Telekinesis refers to the ability to move physical objects with one's mind. Don't get any grand dreams yet - telekinesis is hard! Don't expect to be lifting couches and chairs with your mind any time soon; as with anything, telekinesis, even with small objects, takes a while to learn, and many have minimal success. (Mostly because in this world people don't believe in it and that makes everything harder.) Also be careful what you do on this world, people will surely consider you as a freak, and it surely isn't good to draw attention. It's diffucult, but it's possible. After all, it's preferable to learn the basics before serious training on telekinesis.

Telekinesis may be classified to thousands of subcategories, like pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, aerokinesis, etc., but it all goes down to two basic categories.

The easiest form of telekinesis, microtelekinesis, occurs with an already-moving object, or some event that has a chance (however slight) to happen as you wish it to. In this way, you only need to increase the chances that the outcome occurs the way you want. Moving a candle flame or making an electronic equipment work are examples of this.

Other form of telekinesis, macrotelekinesis, involves moving a stationary, physical object. Because you are affecting the object on a physical, tangible level, instead of merely on an energy or probability level, it is much more difficult to get results. So, don't get disappointed if you cannot float even the tiniest object with a few weeks or even a few months of practice.

I'm giving you some basic telekinesis exercises. It's not to say that these are the only methods, they're only one way of doing something, if you find another one that works better for you, then fine. When trying any exercise, remember not to strain yourself! Try only 5 to 10 minutes per day; if your head feels like it may start hurting, stop. As with all energy things, the idea is to focus, not concentrate. A relaxed and meditative state usually works better, but keeping your mind from wandering is important.

Becoming one with the flame

Stare at the base of the flame, not the flame itself. Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and when you feel it is part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle out.
After you have practiced this for some time and feel comfortable with it, you can try to put the flame out with your mind. And could you perhaps light it again, with your mind only? Nothing is impossible.

Pushing with energy

Master energy balls before attempting this one. Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps). Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible. With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.

Moving a stationary object

First you should take something really light-weight, a small piece of paper (the size of the tip of your thumb or so) would be fine. Put the piece of paper somewhere where, for example, wind won't move it. Relax and enter a meditative state. Begin to build pressure under the paper. Direct as much energy as you can underneath it. Visualize the energy pushing the piece of paper upwards. Do this for about that 5-10 minutes. If the paper floats during the first session, fine, but if it doesn't, don't be disappointed, these things take time.

Once you have floated a piece of paper you can move on to a bit heavier items, like a ring made of some light metal. You can also try to move items horizontally instead of floating them. You can for example visualize a tunnel between you and the item you've chosen, and use your mind's "hands" to reach for the object and pull it in.

Spoon bending

Find a spoon or fork. Hold utensil in your hands. Sit in a quiet space, breath deeply, and relax yourself. With your eyes shut, rub your fingertips lightly over the surface of the spoon's handle. Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about it. Become a "part" of it, the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together as thought they are water. Imagine it melting into liquid. At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy, bend it. Don't put physical force on it - you're not testing your ability to bend a spoon with your hands. You already know you can do that.


Take a metal thumbtack (the kind with a flat, circular base) and set it so that the sharp end is pointing upward. Now take a small square of white paper, about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch (maybe even smaller), and carefully balance it on top of the tack. You can replace the bit of paper with a piece of carefully cut aluminum foil if you feel more comfortable with metallic energies.
Now sit in front of the "psi-wheel" you have just created. Stare on one corner of the square of paper. Focus all your energy on that one corner, willing the paper to start turning on top of the point. Imagine the wheel (the paper) begins to spin on the axis (the tack). Hold your concentration for as long as it takes for you to get it spinning.

Floating wood

Fill a clear glass bowl with fresh water. Drop a toothpick or other small wooden object into the middle of the dish. Since there will be no friction between the water and the object, it will be easily to move it because there is less resistance. Get comfortable and breathe deeply. Look at the toothpick. Imagine your mind's "hand" coming out and pushing on the object, and imagine it gliding across the water to the other side of the dish. Feel the energy pushing on it. You should begin to notice some movement after a while. You can use your hands to direct your energy, but don't touch or blow on the toothpick.
Once you have practiced this and you believe you have gotten the hang of it, take it one step further. Imagine that you are pushing down on the object, forcing it to go under the surface of the water. This will take more concentration, but the results are also more significant.

Swinging on a string

Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a wooden rod. Hang the string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object. Sit far enough away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in midair. Focus all your attention on one side of the object. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was really pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to "point" your energy, but do not touch the object. Once it starts to turn, and who knows how long it will take you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it speeds up.

There is one more thing which is closely related to microtelekinesis. It uses visualization to make something, that has a chance to happen, to happen. Just see what you want to happen clearly in your mind. If you want to get a parking place near the door of a crowded mall, see an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for something special? See yourself in possession of it and happy. If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer/vcr/car/etc. working perfectly. Note: You need to trust that it will happen. If you don't, it won't happen.