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Staying healthy and risks and problems

Energyproducers must take care of their health as well as radikas have to, but in a different way. As the main problem for radikas is to get enough energy for energyproducers the overenergy is the biggest threat. That's why energyproducers must either discharge or have symbiots. Usually the correct rate of energyloss is achieved by using both of them.

Risks and problems of being energyproducer are mainly physical illness caused by overenergy and overenergy in itself. What I mean by physical illness is mainly problems with heart and different kind of headaches, even up to migraine. Even the paralysis of heart and such is known to be the consequences. (This cannot be proved in this world, since the science doesn't even admit that we exist...)


As I mentioned above, one good way for an energyproducer to get rid of energy is to get a radika-symbiot. This means making a pact with a radika to use your energy as supper while you don't have to discharge so often. This kind of pacts should be made with as many radikas as you need to use your energy, but not too many to leave you starving. Note for radikas: don't take your energy from one source only. That causes you to have lack of certain kinds of energy and too much of other kind... This community can be used as a meeting place for radikas and energyproducers for making up symbiot-relationships.