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Coping with Thirst

It would be ideal if every radika could get enough energy and/or blood whenever they need it. But sadly that's not possible. Only few blood-drinking radikas have a donor, and the situation is only a little better with those who feed only on energy.

Every radika, sooner or later, suffers from the Thirst. Since it cannot always be slaked, there should be a way with which it would be less severe. There are several things that give short-lasting respite:

As for less physical helps, listening relaxing and peaceful music, and meditation may help. Or may not. It depends on the individual.

As for what to avoid:

If you want to lessen the blood craving in long term, you can try meditation or self-hypnosis tapes or anything you think would work for you. But the key is to stick with that one method. Even if you feel hopeless and so craving that you'd do anything, stick with what you've chosen. This is no instant help, it usually takes longer than two weeks to get any results and the condition will build little by little from that, but in longer term it usually works better than any instants cures. And you'll find out that, if nothing else, this will help you grow stronger by simply holding on to something.

Don't give up. Just keep trying. One day things will be better.