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Coping with heat and cold

From personal experience I can say that extreme temperatures are terrible. And what I have read from other sources, many radikas agree with that. No one can say why, but somehow we can't cope very well with heat and cold. Perhaps it's because we don't have enough energy for temperature regulation systems, perhaps not. But no matter why, it is so, and we need to find ways with which we can lessen the discomfort caused by heat and cold.

I tell here the methods I know. If you have any further suggestions, feel free to mail them to us, and we add them here.

Summer and hot weather

How to stay cool and well from inside:

NOTE: I'm extremely heat-sensitive and have problems with keeping both salt- and sugar-levels stable, especially in Summer. For people like me there are two good hints (or actually two versions of one hint):

Take half a bottle of some fruit juice, or squeeze some fruits, and mix it with half a bottle of mineral water (those ones which contain lots of different salts). You should have about 1,5 liters of that mix. If you used fruits or juice which didn't contain any sugar, add one spoonful of sugar. Drink as much as you want, since it contains both salts and sugars, you don't need to worry about drinking too much, like you'd need to worry with water. And it tastes great!
(For those who can't (are allergic etc.) drink fruit juices, or don't like mineral water.)
Take 1,5 liters of water and add one spoonful of sugar and one teaspoonful of salt. Mix well. It doesn't taste even half as good (actually it tastes much like water), but it is enough to keep salt- and sugar-levels stable.

And how to stay cool and otherwise well from outside:

Winter and cold weather