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How to clean and balance chakras

Cleaning chakras is not very different from cleaning aura. You can use the same methods as in "Cleaning Auras", just focus it on one chakra at the time, or all of them at the same time, whichever feels better for you. Or make your own method.

But unlike with aura, chakras need to be balanced now and then in addition to cleaning. It will help the flow of energy to go smoother and more evenly.

Opening chakras

This is done with visualization. There are countless methods for this. Anything that "opens" works fine. Most commonly encountered are: visualizing the chakra as a flower, usually lotus, slowly opening; and using your energy-"hands" to open them, like you were tearing open a bread-roll.

Balancing chakras

There are also countless of methods to do this, but here is introduced the most commonly found. If it doesn't work for you, feel free to invent your own. (If you want to, send it to us and it will be put on this site for everyone to learn.)

Relax, either sitting or lying down, so that your spine is straight. Begin to draw energy through your feet (there are countless minor chakras there). Draw energy up through you, with the inhale, and hold it in place on the exhale. Raise energy up to your Root chakra. Open it in any way you prefer. Pull energy into the Root chakra. Repeat this first step, thoroughly, seven times.

Draw energy from the feet, through the Root chakra and on up to the Spleen chakra. Open the Spleen chakra. Repeat three times, starting at feet.

Draw energy from the feet, through the Root and Spleen chakras and on up to the Solar Plexus chakra. Open the Solar Plexus chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.

Draw energy up from the feet, through the Root, Spleen and Solar Plexus chakras and on up to the Heart chakra. Open the Heart chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.

Draw energy up from the feet, through the Root, Spleen, Solar Plexus and Heart chakras to the Throat chakra. Open the Throat chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.

Draw energy up from the feet, through the Root, Spleen, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras to the Brow chakra (third eye). Open the Brow chakra. Repeat this three times, starting at feet.

Draw energy up to the Crown chakra as in the previous step. Open the Crown chakra. This chakra is much larger than the others (whole top of head, above hairline). Repeat this entire process twice, starting with the feet.

Draw energy up to the Chere chakra (the one above your head) as in the previous step. Open the chakra. Repeat this entire process twice, starting with the feet.