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This is very painful and confusing time for a radika, when one starts to discover signs of what one is. It doesn't mean that this is the time when one becomes radika, rather it's a dormant ability which awakens (hence the term "awakening"). This usually happens during puberty or when the body is pushed into a situation in which there is a dire need of energy.

When a radika starts the awakening process, there are several noticeable signs. Not to say that everyone experiences the same symptoms, but most experience at least some of these. (NOTE! This cannot be used to determine if you're a radika!)

Note that some of these signs can have "normal" causes, for example stress. Before thinking that you're a radika, check out a local doctor (but don't tell them that you suspect being a radika). Also, these symptoms may or may not come at the same time. There can be even years between them.

From myths people can get wrong ideas about what happens during awakening. Most popular of those and their explanations: