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Short Sighted

Sinking deeper into the ground with every word you say,

I am curled up alone and weeping,

Please don't,

Please don't,

Please don't,

You want to help but I can't bear you to share the pain,

Share the blame.

Almost caught and almost there,

I don't want to admit it all,

I don't want to be left bare.

Not that I think you'd abuse it in anyway or am I even sure,

Shaking my head to make the fears go away,

Subtle manipulations in my head,

I never found why it did that,

Continual testing of me?

Doesn't it like happiness?

Or is it a warning?

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry,

I'm so sorry.

I didn't want any of this to happen,

I tried to not get caught.

Hold them in,

Push them out.

I didn't know and I didn't understand,

All I want to do is take it all and let you stay away-

Or did I want to hold you close?

It's so complicated that one day it will come out the other side,

And we will both be free of the things that hold us in shock.

In far away the people see,

We will be gone,

Let it go,

Let it go,






I can't hold it all in anymore.