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Black Heart

I have everything to say, but I cannot speak

Like everything I say is on the flip of a coin

With all I do, I realise my false acceptance

Into a false society I never wanted to join

My soul is hollow

My life is hollow

My world is hollow

But my black heart is full

What was once counted as the truth

Is now accountable for the lies

My own irrevocable heart of black

I here the never ceasing cries

My soul is hollow

My life is hollow

My world is hollow

But my black heart is full

I point my finger at the finger pointers

I eschew the present, as I did the past

I live in fear of the future

Every breath I take, I take as my last

My soul is hollow

My life is hollow

My world is hollow

But my black heart is full

We always look back to ‘the good old days’

Never thinking about how bad things were

I can think about my future

But all I can see is her

My soul is hollow

My life is hollow

My world is hollow

But my black heart is full

You are the darkness, and I your salve

I await your desire, at your beck and call

I long for the daylight to beam into her life

Just in time for the dagger to finally fall

My soul is yours

My life is blue

My world is pensive

But my black heart, I pledge to you…

~by Ben Stapleton