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August 6, 2000 8:29 PM Eastern Time

~Silver Dreams~

is down. I do not have the time for this site or story. I have my regular fanfiction site and a cowritten story with a friend. And to top it all off, school starts the 24th of August.

The catch...

Right now I am currently writing a story, after that is completed, I will return to this story and put it there. It works out for me considering I do want to write this. I fell in love with the concept, and it is different. Which challanges me.


I will post here when you can find the story on my main site. But not until than. And the story I am writing now is far from finished. So, it'll be a while.

I am sorry to do this, but I felt if I wasn't going to work on it now, I shouldn't leave it up. It's not fair to myself or the people that actually read it.

Thanks for the support and the wonderful feedback I recieved in the proess of writing Silver Dreams.


.Eternal Flame.

[My fanfiction site]