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My Shark Tooth Collection
First off, I would like to say that I will never buy a non-fossilized shark teeth or jaws, unless I find them on the ocean floor myself. Simply because there is a possibility that the shark was killed by unnatural causes. No, I'm not an animal rights activist. I just don't want to see sharks become extinct.

Now, on to my collection. Right now its very small, five teeth and three jaws, yet worth a pretty penny. Don't worry, I received the jaws as gifts and I wasn't going to deny them. The jaws are from a Bull Shark and the other two, Sand Tiger Sharks. The teeth, all of which are fossilized, except one, include a 2 1/2 inch and a 1 inch megalodon tooth, a 1 inch mako tooth, a wire-wrapped hemipritis, and the non-fossilized tooth is a 1 inch mako.

My "lack" of shark teeth should end by summer 2001. Reason for this? I'm going to buy more on vacation. Fossilized only that is!
