-[Lienda Day]--[Ray Day]-

The seeds of the lotus bravely presents the juggalo day of : LIENDA!!! Friday Dec. 8th Midnight - 2 - Midnight On the dreaded day of "Lienda" all Juggalos must be heard by any means necessary. We absolutely have to vote ICP's?mp;quot;lets go all the way" all the way up the fuckin' charts to number one on TRL We?tried this before and we failed. This time it?amp;quot;Lienda: All or Nothing." Ninjas have no choice but to attack with what ever method they can possibly think of! We absolutely must reign victoriously on this day. We have to shake the very structure that is MTV. We must make an enormous impact upon the industry that well leave tremors and leave aftershocks for years to come. Juggalo crews from coast to coast must unite as one force, one army, one big fist. We must use every single tiny bit of power we have, in order to penetrate the enormous fortress walls of the MTV kingdom. We must make the TRL list and shock the very world we live in! We must! We mother fuckin' absolutely must! ALL OR NOTHING! Juggalos, if we actually achieve breaking through the main stream walls and ICP makes TRL, the world will never be the same. We will attack like a swarm of insects infecting all that is MTV and radio with our Dark Carnival messages. The entire world will feel the Dark Carnival! Juggalos will have actually made a difference! Bizzar Bizaar will sell to MTV?heep like fans that buy what ever MTV plays and the 3 charities we have chosen will get fat paid all because of you! Us! The Juggalos! And while the whole world is buying Bizzar Bizaar and the 3 charities are making millions, we'll be watching it all happen from deep within the underground where we truly dwell. This is it. This is the movement. It happens now. YOU must do all you can to help the cause. Help the charities. We?been rapping about spreading the word to the world for years. I think it?ucking time we did it! The time is now! Lienda! The movement is now, so MOVE! Most Juggalos agree with us at Psychopathic: "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem." Don?e a hoe. Let?o this together. Lets flex on MTV and show the entire world just what has been brewing underground for the last 10 years. We must not fail Lienda on Friday Dec 8th. We cannot fail. Choose whatever method fits your style best or create your own method of attack. Keep in mind that the Internet votes only count up to how many phone votes are made... So the phone votes are extremely important! Be warned, it is very hard to get though because most the time the lines are always busy. We need Ninjas to school the phone lines like crazy to get through. Infect the lines! Whatever you do, vote, vote, and vote some more on the mighty day of Lienda! Remember one thing: there are Juggalos out there that are helping you. You might not see them, or hear them, but they are out there helping. They too are desperately trying to get through and make this all happen. We are all in this together. Win, or lose, at least we will give it our best on this mighty Juggalo day. Lienda! Lienda! Lienda! Lienda! Let?o All The Way Ninjas! We are calling apon all the Juggalos that inhabit the land. This is WAR!!! The time has come! We are calling apon YOU and your crew! Here are some suggested methods of how you can help with our massive Lienda attack on Friday: (Just click on the one that interests you for further details)
The Land Based Assult
Computer War Games