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Chapter 18

Mysterious Voice: Hmmmph......the World is about to dominated by someone else, and those Earth Gods are still so in the dark......

Such complacence......they shall have themselves to thank for their downfall......

"Starry, starry night
I gaze upon the midnight sky
Sighing how those twinkling stars
Can never outshine your beautiful eyes......

Starry, starry night
I wonder how I'll ever live
If I were lose forever my sight
Of those windows of your flawless soul......

Foolish as I may seem
Hopeless as I might sound
I do not regret speaking these words
If they could help me steal your heart......

My one and only lover
You do not know how I quiver
At the merest thought of losing you
I can't bear to risk that happening to me

Ever again......"

"Again?" Mikamiko lifted her head up from its comfortable position on Mariteus' chest, gazing dreamily at his handsome face.

"What do you mean by again, Ming? I am here beside you, as always. You have never lost me, and never will ......" She touched his left cheek with her right palm, then tracing the contours of his chiseled face with her fingers lovingly.

Mariteus caught her roaming fingers gently, thus effectively stopping her exploration of his face. Bringing them up to his mouth, he tenderly kissed each tip of her five fingers.

"It's nothing, Mika. Just a word to make the poem complete. Don't you think that it gives a sad but beautiful tinge to the whole thing?"

"Yes it does, but why must there be a sad tinge?" Mikamiko asked, widening her eyes in wonder.

"To make us realize all the more we must cherish our togetherness." Mariteus spoke this with much feeling, for more than anyone else, he knew how precious this moment was.

"HeeHee, Mariteus, sometimes I think you should be a poet instead of the Sea God......" Mikamiko giggled.

"You know, Mika. That is one of my greatest wishes...... to be an ordinary poet instead of who I am now......" Mariteus stroked her stroked her hair slowly, and placed a soft kiss on top of her head. The scent of her hair wafted into his nose as he did so. Hmmm......does absolute wonders to my self-restraint! He thought wryly.

"Huuuh? I do not understand......"

"That's alright, Mika. You don't need to understand. Not now, not ever......" Mariteus smiled at her sorrowfully.

"Alright......" Mikamiko still had many doubts, but Mariteus was apparently adamant on keeping mum on this matter. She then laid her head back to its comfortable position on his chest.

Mariteus knows what he's doing. I believe him. So much that if he were to take my life right now, I would have no qualms about giving it to him...... She thought contentedly.

Creator: Now hold it right there. Aren't we forgetting something, Mikamiko?

Mikamiko (Storyteller)*in irritated voice* : What??!!

Creator: How did Mika know that Mariteus is a Sea God??? You can't leave them readers guessing like this!

Mikamiko *smirking* : Oh, so NOW our dear Creator has a conscience already? When did you ever care a fart about the readers, huh? I thought that your conscience had been devoured by the wolves already!

Creator *snarling* : Don't you pick on me, good-for-nothing!!

Mikamiko: Mmmph!! Even your insults are so soft! You are losing your touch, My Dear Creator!

Creator *whimpering* : More like you stole it from me......I wanna comprain!! (No, that was deliberate, and don't try to correct my grammar or spelling mistakes, darn you!)

Mikamiko *yawning* : Yeah, yeah, and no one's listening.


Mikamiko *snickering* : Or you'll do what? TeeHee, can't even differentiate between Two and Tow, and you dare to threaten me! Me!! The all-knowing, omni-potent absolutely-most-essential being of this Story! WAHAHAHAHA!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! MUAHAHAHA ...... *choke*

Creator *grinning sheepishly* : Sorry, folks. Let's continue with the story......How did Mika know that Mariteus is the Sea God......?

Mikamiko *struggling against the Mysteriousness' restraining hands against his mouth* : Mmmmmmph!! Mmmmmmmmmmmphhhh!!!!

The reader realizes that in one of the previous chapters, Mikamiko was left shivering in a corner after witnessing the 'face-off' between Mariteus and his half-sister. She was totally confused. For one thing, what's this 'God' business that they were talking about? She might seem slow, or even dumb to some, but beneath her bumbling appearance, she is actually one of the most intelligent girls that one could ever come across. Indeed, she possesses a PHD in the field of Astronomy, as well as many other fields that would absolutely bore the reader if they were to be all listed here. And she could be alarmingly perceptive at times (at times, please note, is the operative word).

There she was, shivering in the corner, wondering if what she suspected might be true.

Mariteus was feeling exceptionally low in the spirits. But of course. Not every person has a dead sister coming back from the dead, and then cutting off ties with him every day. Not even a God. One thing strange about Mariteus was that when he is low in the spirits, he becomes extremely sensitive. Probably because that was one of the perks of being a God.

At that precise moment, he could sense someone's presence in that hidden corner. Right there. A very familiar presence. He walked slowly towards that someone, so as to prevent her from being scared away.

"Mika...... is that you? Why are you hiding in that corner? And what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?"

"N...never mind about me. What's this God business you were talking about?"

" you really want to know? Aren't you afraid of what the truth might unleash?" Mariteus knew that this day would come sooner or later, thus he did not make an attempt to deny anything. He was sure that Mikamiko would not believe him even if he were to deny it anyway.
Darn it, why is she so perceptive on matters she isn't needed to? He thought dejectedly.

"Please do not keep anything from me, Ming! I'd die to find out what eats at your heart and troubles you so much!" Mikamiko implored him with her large eyes, which shimmered in the light and reflected Mariteus' face when he gazed upon them.

Mariteus clutched at his heart, for her imploring eyes were too much for him to bear.

"Alright, Mika. It's time for you to know anyway. But before I start, you have to promise me not to be frightened by anything I might say. And to believe in me. Remember, my dearest Mika, that I will protect you no matter what happens......"

Even if it means sacrificing myself...... He thought to himself. He did not say this out, for he feared that it would make Mika sad. He would do anything to prevent that......

"I promise with all my heart, Ming!" Mikamiko gazed upon Mariteus' eyes while saying this. The deep sorrow in them struck her painfully in the heart, and she had to turn her head away so that she could stop the overwhelming emotions that were rapidly accumulating inside her.

"Thank you, Mika. You have no idea what a relief that is to me.

It all started many, many years ago. I have already lost count of how many. In a world different from this one, and so far away that the distance is unimaginable to mortals like yourself. This world is called the Yisheigai World, and the Gods that preside over it are the Yisheigai Gods. As you might have guessed already, I am one of them, and lording over the Sea. My original name was Mariteus......"

Mikamiko's mind was in complete disarray. It could not contain what she had just heard from Mariteus, much less comprehend it! Her forehead was covered with cold sweat, but she did not have an ounce of energy left to wipe it off. She could not even breathe properly!

She dimly knew that someone was carrying her ever so gently, as if she was as fragile as a baby. This someone now laid her down onto a soft surface, presumably her bed. As her body started to sink into it, a warm, comfortable feeling started to overcome her, luring her to sleep. As much as she wanted to resist it (damn it, I still have so much to think about, I can't rest now!), it was still too deep a temptation to resist.

However, it was by no means a peaceful slumber. It was filled with disturbing dreams; dizzying sequences featuring a breath-takingly beautiful girl and her lover... who looked suspiciously like Mariteus. Her instincts told her that this girl was herself. Even so, she felt demonically jealous of her. Jealous of myself, indeed! She shouted out. One by one, scenes of her previous life flashed before her mind's eye. Slow enough for her to see them, yet too fast for her to register them in her mind. How she loved Mariteus, and how he got trapped by his sibling, finally resulting in her death. Curiously, this scene seemed much slower than the rest, lingering in her mind for a long time, as if to torture her in her weakened state.

Finally, the whole MTV-like sequence ended with the destruction of the Yisheigai World. How is it, she thought, that a mere mortal such as myself could be the cause of the destruction of the Yisheigai World? I am so totally mortified! Am I worth the price? I do wonder. And yet if I am so precious to him, why doesn't he trust me? He chooses to trust his half-brother, who was notorious for his evil plans! He lets his mind be controlled by another......this control is stronger than his love for me. That doesn't say much about this love! How can he allow this to happen? The strangest thing is, even as these questions encircle my mind to no end, I still cannot bring it upon myself to blame him, even for one little bit! Ahhhhh, the agony, it's almost too much for me to bear, even though I should have gotten used to it by now......

Mariteus sat beside Mikamiko's sleeping form on the bed. She was curled up in a fetal position, as if longing to be protected from the outside world in the safe confines of her mother's womb. Ever so often, a thin line of tears would trickle from her closed eyes, ending its journey on the pillow her head was laid upon.

Mariteus sighed for the nth time that day (don't start counting, you'd get a headache).
"I knew this would happen if I told her the truth! I just hope to anything, anything at all, that she will not hate me if she finds out that I am the cause of her death!

Mika...please tell me what you wish me to do for you......"

In the end, when Mikamiko woke up, she had forgotten everything she had dreamt about. All she could remember was having a strange, tragic dream, but none of its contents.

Needless to say, both of them were hopelessly disappointed......especially Mariteus......

Mikamiko jerked her head up suddenly. Her neck emitted a loud CRACK that sounded as if it was going to break. She put a hand to her neck, wincing at the pain and rubbing it to make the pain lessen.
How careless of me to spoil the romantic atmosphere by dozing off! She chided herself.

A larger palm came out of nowhere and replaced hers, massaging her neck with expertise. Soon, a lazy feeling overcame her as her neck and shoulder muscles relaxed under his tender loving care. In case the reader does not know (as if! The reader is such an intelligent person that he/she would have known that straight away!), this palm belonged to one extremely horny Sea God. Thus it was no surprise that he started to pull up Mika's dress to expose her smooth, fair back.

Of course, this was not without objection from Mika. However, Mariteus exclaimed that he was just trying to give her a back rub. Mika was feeling too comfortable to resist him.
Hmmm, must be the essential oils, which apparently appeared out of nowhere.
And my favorite scent too......In no time at all, she dozed off again.

The back rub gradually turned into a full bodied affair. Well, almost, for just as he reached her sensitive areas (please fill in the blanks), she woke up "just in time" and stopped him immediately.

"Mika......" Mariteus pouted like a three-year-old kid. "Why are you always rejecting me at the last moment? Do you have any inkling what wonders it does to my little brother (again, fill in the blanks) down there?"

"I...I know, Ming, I just am not prepared yet! Don't you know that the first time is a very crucial experience to a girl? Mama always said that I shouldn't give away my precious gift before I get married!"

"Mama always said this, Mama always said that......! My dear Mika, can you stop listening to your MAMA and just give in to me, for once? Don't you know that I love you enough already? I think of you day and night, every second and every minute! If I were to love you more, if that's even possible, I will become an idiot who says nothing but 'Mika I love you'! For Yisheigai's sake, please, please tell me what I must do before you will say yes!! Pluck a star from the sky? No problem! Pierce myself with a thousand swords? Walk over a bed of coals? Get whipped by the sadistic Arian? Nothing to it, just for a nod of your head! Mika, my dear Mika......" His rousing speech came to an abrupt end. Suddenly, the answer to his questions materialized in his mind.
Such a simple answer! Why have I never thought of it before? I am such a fool! I deserve the past punishments and rejections I have suffered, for not having thought of it!! Argghhh!! He admonished himself fiercely, while pulling at his hair.

"Ming...... are you quite alright?" Mikamiko peered worriedly at Mariteus, who seemed to be acting out a mini-drama all by himself.

Mariteus stopped his tirade, for he had better things to do than act in that ridiculous manner.

"Mika......" He intoned seriously, while kneeling in that famous position on a single knee in front of her. Taking her hand and pressing his lips to it, he gazed up at her and asked the question that all had been waiting for, most of all Mikamiko.

"Will you become my wife? And promise to be with me forever and ever?"

" should have known my answer by now!!" Mikamiko lowered her head, as the redness crept from across her cheeks to the tips of her ears.

"How cute, Mika! But I still have not heard your answer yet!" Of course Mariteus had to tease her, for she really did look so enchanting in a way, blushing like that. Mariteus could hardly stop himself from squeezing her to death, but he did, for he could not spoil the atmosphere of this crucial moment.

Mikamiko nodded her head a little. The nod was almost imperceptible, but of course it did not escape Mariteus' eyes. And it was enough, already. For actions speak louder than words. Much, much louder.

Creator: Now hold on a second. You did not think, even for a fleeting moment, that their wedding would be a smooth one, did you? If "Of course not" is your answer, good for you. Anything else is unacceptable, I tell you. After reading so many chapters of Tales of the Ancient World – The Yisheigai Gods, if you do not know the character of that dreaded and hateful Storyteller, then I fully recommend that you read all the chapters starting from one all over again! Oooof!

Mikamiko the Storyteller : Get away, you idiot! You're taking up my space! Readers, do not, I repeat, do not subject yourselves to such senseless torture as to what MISS (Or MR? I have already forgotten) NUTZ here suggested. No, no, no. There is a much easier way to do it! Just send an email to the below email address and I will explain it to you nice and clear, okay?

Creator *mutters* : If you know what's good for you, you'd better not send ANY emails of that kind. I suspect, no, I am sure that reading Chapters 1 to 18 would be easier. Besides, that's a waste of your email storage space, believe you me!!!


Creator *snorts in contempt* : HAH! As if you ever had the rights to decide whether I make an appearance in this story or not! No, no, no! As we saw earlier, there is an even higher being above you! I need not fear you anymore! Ngahahahahaa!! Ngahahahaha!! That's the greatest thing ever, since sliced bread!!! WAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHAHA!!

Mikamiko the Storyteller *grumbling* : Shut up, you old fart!




Author's Notes: Woooow!! What a long chapter! No wonder my wrist hurts! should have realized by now that yours truly is suffering from schizophrenic tendencies. One minute I'm the Creator, the next I'm the Storyteller, and the next next I'm the Mysterious Voice! Ngahahahah!! And it's contagious! Don't say I didn't warn you......

Arf *looks at her in disgusted and shocked expression*: Siow (crazy) ah, this girl!

- End of Transmission -

Oooh! Oooh! What about the rest? If this is your question, click the below links.

The Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Awakening
Chapter 3 - Claudine = Mikamiko?!!
Chapter 4 - Journey to the Centre of the Jungle
Chapter 5 - The Second Condition is......
Chapter 6 - Skylar
Chapter 7 - Old Flame Attack!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
The Yisheigai Gallery
