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Chapter 14

The eastern wind blew violently, creating quite a stir among the trees in the rainforest. The fallen leaves on the ground were engaged in a dance around the motions of the wind, as if they had a life of their own. Dark clouds stole over the previously bright and sunny sky swiftly, giving an ominous feeling to the whole place.

A "man" stands alone at the edge of a cliff suddenly jutting out from the forestry. This cliff overlooks a vast beach and ocean, with several jagged rocks and boulders beneath and the waves of the ocean crashing against them. It would most certainly be fatal if one was to fall from the cliff onto those boulders. He looks down at the beach and beheld a sight that made his heart beat in irregular rythms (again).

Just above the ocean, another person was spreading some ashes from an urn into the ocean. His back had a sad tint to it, every movement so dejected and lifeless that it pulled painfully at the viewer's heart.

The man on the cliff wanted to float over to the ash spreader; to hug him, comfort him, even offer his condolences and regret for doing what he did. But he knew that he would be repelled a million miles away if he were to even come within a mile of him.

The cruel words which Mariteus shouted at him kept encircling his head, until he could think of nothing else! He wanted to tear out his hair to get rid of these words, but even if he were to become bald, they were still as persistent as ever. Especially the words "pervert!" and "don't ever let me see you again!......

Arian let out a big roar, trying to dispel those negative thoughts that were clouding his mind. Hadn't he prided himself on being able to bounce right back after suffering from so many setbacks? Like the many times when he was rejected by Ulaine when he tried to get into her good books? Or even the times he was ridiculed by his siblings whenever his attempts to become Ulaine's successor failed......

All throughout his life, he had yearned for someone's affection. He never got any (Actually there is someone, but he was wallowing so deeply in his sorrow that he missed the point. Poor thing). He clamoured for his Mother's attention, or his siblings' acceptance. He always was an outcast. And he didn't know why. Maybe they were just jealous of his good looks...... He was the only one who really resembled their father, who was the best looking God in the history of Yisheigai (except himself, of course).

But that is beside the point. Maybe Ulaine treated him so indifferently just because he resembled his father so much. All in Yisheigai knew how Ulaine hated her husband, who died under her knife because she found out that he had been unfaithful to her. In the end, her most favourite son was the offspring of her husband and his lover. What an irony! Arian laughed inwardly, his shoulders shuddering in time with his giggles and unable to stop.

And now, he himself was held under the spell of Mariteus. He wondered what powers Mariteus had possessed, to be so well loved by so many? He then turned his eyes upward, looking accusingly at the creator. Why? Why do you favour him so much? And treat me so badly? Doesn't it tear up your heart to torture your own creations? Doesn't your conscience nag at you when you treat me like this? Or do you have any at all?

As if in answer to his many questions, a voice whispered in his ear,

"Perhaps you are not worthy of my pity."

Arian turned around in anger, trying to catch a glimpse of this...this heartless creator of his. Of course, there was no one in the forest but him.

That is strange...Arian thought. Normally, that foolish woman would be following me around, and grabbing any chance to comfort me. Where has she gone today?

"WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU, STUPID BITCH!" Arian shouted at no one in particular. The only answer to his question was an echo of his voice, with "stupid bitch" repeating so many times that his head hurt.

He slumped to the ground dejectedly. At his time of need, no one was there for him, not even Skylar.

Just then, a sudden disquiet stole over him. His shoulders and heart felt abnormally heavy, the cause unknown. It lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make him worry.

He directed his glance over to Mariteus, who was still punching the sandy ground, but was otherwise quite well. Heaving a sigh of relief, he resumed to his self-pitying.

In Ulaine's palace, her last remaining daughter was kneeling on the ground, a pleading expression frozen on her pale but still beautiful face.

"Skylar, please get up. As much as you love him, it isn't worth it for you to sacrifice yourself for him!" Ulaine tried to lift Skylar up from her kneeling position, but it was as if Skylar's knees were stuck to the ground permanently.

"But Mother, this is the only way that will solve all the problems that the Yishegai Gods are facing!" Skylar was adamant.

"That is true, but I still can't...I don't have the heart to lose another daughter so soon after Eva has been taken from me!"

"Mother, if we follow up with my plan, you will be able to see Eva soon! It has many advantages, this plan. Besides..." Skylar paused and turned her head away, to collect her emotions and thoughts "'s time I made a clean break..."

Ulaine almost cried at the pain and helplessness in her daughter's voice. However much she loved Eva, she still can't sacrifice this daughter for her rebirth. This Skylar, who had already suffered so much.

"Sky..." She started persuading Skylar, but was cut off abruptly.

"Mother. Do not say another word about this! I have made a decision, and I will stand by it. Goodbye, Mother!"

Without another word, she sat down on the floor, chanting a mantra that would transport her to the underworld, in search of her sister's soul.

At the last moment before she departed, Skylar mumbled her last words...

"Tell Arian that I said goodbye, and that I love him eternally..."

She then slumped to the ground, her soul having departed for the underworld.

Ulaine held Skylar's still body in her arms and cried for her long and hard, for the long time she had suffered, for her unrequited love and for the knowledge that this would indeed end all her suffering.

Author's notes: Next chapter, witness the rebirth of Eva! You didn't think I would let her rest long, did you? But would she inherit Skylar's feelings together with her body? Oops, gave away too much already. By the way, the offer to name my chapters still stands.

Beginning, Before and After

The Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Awakening
Chapter 3 - Claudine = Mikamiko?!!
Chapter 4 - Journey to the Centre of the Jungle
Chapter 5 - The Second Condition is......
Chapter 6 - Skylar
Chapter 7 - Old Flame Attack!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 - Journey Back Home
The Yisheigai Gallery
