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« The Mathers Story »

Hes back

Going back into your cities past can be exciting but yet haunting. When I did that I found something really disturbing. My friends and I go to to the local motocross track and I watch them as they ride their bikes. I noticed a few things that happen like all of a sudden it gets cold or something goes missing. I always wanted to know why that is like that. I went and asked a few people around that area and I got a surprise that I will never forget.

In the early 1900's the local rail road company was going to put some rail in from weyburn and go south. The only problem was that there was a old man that was in the way and it would go right across his land. They tried to do everything, talk to him, buy his land, make him move, and they even tried killing him. One night when about 25 men with guys came on his land he went nuts. Everyone he seen he killed them with his bare hands. With only 5 guys left they left with this angry old man chasing after them. When the 5 men got abck to the camp site they grabbed torches and went to the old mans house. As they got there they threw the torches on the house and burnt it down with the old man in the house.

Everyone who has been on the land has said they see a old man and he stands there and watches them then leaves without a trace. many people also says that things like tools just disappear with no trace also. I think that the ghost still lives there tring to get revenge. The odd thing is that there has been no records kept and if there was records they destoried them right away.