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Nathan's Homepage

Isn't that just cute?
About Me

Name: Nathan

Interests: pool, bowling, video games, computer, listening to music on my computer,

and downloading it with my cable modem :)

Location: Indiana (sleepville, USA)

AOL Screen Name: Requiem798


Here is a poem which I'm sure you haven't heard's a Japanese love poem, it's a little edgy, but I like it.......

My gf, Ling

Making love to you

Is liking drinking sea water.

The more I drink

The Thirstier I become,

Until Nothing can slake my thirst

But to drink the Entire Sea


My Favorite Web Sites

Nintendo Games

All Your Base Now Belong to Us video...strange, but funny
Cool Wallpapers Games on the net

That's just about all I have at this point, kind of blanking on what else I should put this page...any suggestions, just put in my guestbook...


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