His Holy Deeds

Om Sri Siddhar Swamigal had a clear mind. He was quiet and at peace with himself. He was endowed with spiritual powers which helped him know and ascertain happenings at far off places. With the help of his spiritual powers, he was able to cure diseases given up by the practitioners of medicine . He could read a person's mind with startling accuracy.

A well built, physically endowed man, with a gigantic appearance, he kept himself healthy. Like his grandfather, he had only one meal a day. His main diet consisted of milk and fruits that he took twice daily. Then again, there were days when he went into a strict and rigorous fast for days altogether. He constantly worked to keep his mind and body pure. He would always tell people how important it was for one to keep his body clean before seeking the Almighty.

He would meditate in the cremation ground, sitting before a burning pyre. He mastered the Thaithriya Upanishad. He knew many siddhis or super natural skills and came to be known as the Maha Siddhar. A siddhar is a person who has reached that mental stage that no ordinary human being can ever experience.

On the 19th of May, 1944, Om Sri Siddhar Swamigal had a magnificent experience of a light blue halo surrounding him. He reached the divine ecstatic state and experienced an uncontrollable, unexplainable joy and happiness. It was at that moment that Sri Siddhar Swamigal experienced the magnificence of the vast open space within him. His “sukhma body” or the subtle body that is immortal traveled in the vast, wonderful open space. It reached the “naada brahmam”. He experienced and discovered the divine sound of the “Omkaaram”. His soul was blessed and he became the “Sath Guru”.

From that day, the divine power in him started guiding him in all his activities and endeavours. He became quiet, calm, cool and still. Any encounter thereafter with the evil spirits in the bodies of the helpless humans, were quickly brought under his control.

Once, his own young son was almost on death bed. The doctors had given up all hopes of any cure as they could not understand the complexities of the deadly disease. Sri Siddhar administered a medicine to his child . The next day the child was up and about, hale and hearty much to the amazement of all present. The disease had vanished without a trace. Sri Siddhar Swamigal cured his son for he knew that his son would one day be able to do likewise for the countless devotees he would have.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal could turn anything to gold with his touch. This particular skill is referred to as “Rasa Vaadam”. He could also change the karma or fate or destiny of a person. But he did not indulge in doing so as he felt that Karma was not something to be meddled about with and thought it best to be left alone. After all , even fate had a predetermined path to be followed. It was not something to be altered at our will.

People turned to him for help and guidance. There were those times when 10 to 15 people would suddenly turn up at home to meet him. His generous nature would insist on making them stay and partake of the food. This, when there was not an extra morsel of food to be found at home! Not to be daunted, Sri Siddhar Swamigal would go to into a small room, spread a white cloth ad meditate. Within a few minutes the entire cloth would be covered with a delicious spread, enough for all who had assembled and more. Immediately after their impromptu meal, the vessels would disappear.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal had a strong following. He would tell his disciples during their initiation the number of births they would be taking to fulfill all their spiritual goals and attainments. He did not think much about people who were self centered and worked only for their own selfish ends. He advised his devotees to face any challenge in a straight forward manner and not show fear and run away. He asked his disciples to understand themselves and develop self consciousness. God loves us for what we are. Not our materialistic achievements.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal was an expert and master of the 8 siddhis. Yet he never allowed his disciples to practise or perform it. He felt that performance of a siddhi was nothing but a waste of one’s efforts and attainment. He used to tell his disciples not to believe in anything or anyone other than God.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal possessed super human powers which he never exhibited unless it was otherwise essential. He never used it for his personal gains or fame. He often allowed his sukhma body to travel long distances in the open space to help his friends and disciples. Till such time that Sri Siddhar Swamigal was alive and had not yet attained siddhi, within a radius of 21 feet around him, no body died. Such was his powress.