
He was an authority on a number of skills and practices.

1. MOUNA VIDDHAI: (The power of Silence. A state of highest attainment with very high potent power.) The power of silence produces stillness. This is a motionless state of the mind and the body. The motionless body allows the mind to concentrate. External disturbances fail to affect the concentration. The mind slowly gets into the state of “Mahamounam” where it becomes motionless and even the inner thoughts do not disturb the mind. It is during this state of motionless concentration that the divine sound of the “Omkaram” emerges from within and merges with the “Aadhi Andham” which is the manifestation of the Omkara in the vast open space. Thus the person experiences “Brahmanandam” or the eternal happiness. On attaining this stage once, a person can never feel unhappy as he is constantly in a state of happiness. Sri Siddhar Swamigal had mastered this viddhai.

2. BRAHMA VIDDHAI: (The power attained through development of the highest mental state.) The infinite is Brahma. It is vast and limitless without boundary. To understand the magnificent state, one has to concentrate. Yogi and saints spent years together in forests and mountains to attain this level of concentration. “Brahmam” is that stage of everlasting happiness or bliss, a feeling that leads a person to ecstasy. Yogis call this blissful state a delightful experience of the ecstasy.

3.PARAKAAYA VIDDHAI: (The power to work with the subtle body). Even though the outer body is said to be mortal, there lies within it, another “Sukhma Degam” or another body within the body. It has the ability to come out from within the mortal body, take any shape or form it so desires and travel infinite distances into the vast open space. Sri Siddhar Swamigal mastered this Viddhai and used it at times to understand and help any of his devotees who needed his help.

4. KAAYA VIDDHAI: (The power to work with the mortal body to generate superhuman deeds.) Our mortal body has 96 systems that are working within it. They form a part of the working body system . Either genetically or over a period of time, these 96 systems do not work properly. They become defunct. As age progresses, for a normal person, only a certain percentage of the 96 body systems, namely 18, work effectively. However, strict measures to control the body systems can help in making them work effectively at all times. Sri Siddhar Swamigal had total control over the 96 systems of his body.

5. VAASI VIDDHAI: (The control of “Pranan” or breath control to generate spiritual power thereof) Our mind and body, are together controlled by the Pranan or breath or air that is inhaled and exhaled. A complete mastery of this breathing technique gives superhuman powers to the person. A person who has this mastery is closer to having a darshan of the aatma or his soul. He can control his fate as well.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal had mastered all these Viddhai and more. He could also change the direction of an approaching storm or violent cyclone. Such is the power of the Siddhar that he can control the universe at large.

Om Sri Siddhar Swamigal was a staunch devotee of Lord Anjaneya. Lord Anjaneya is the devout devotee of Sri Rama, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Anjaneya possessed super human powers. Sri Siddhar Swamigal did severe penance, was a devout devotee and attained the powers from Lord Anjaneya. This helped him perform miracles when required to help some of his disciples in distress. One such instance is narrated here.

Sri Siddhar Swamigal would take a vessel and fill it to the brim with water. He would then drop a sharp writing instrument inside the vessel. To this would be added some flowers, a palm leaf, and a lime. The vessel would be covered with a plate smeared with holy ash. Placing a burning camphor in front of the vessel, he would seat himself at a distance and meditate. Soon the plate on top of the vessel would start vibrating. Sometimes it would jump up to a height of 5 feet and land with amazing accuracy on top of the vessel. After about an hour or so, on careful inspection of the palm leaf, one could see the engraving on it. The words would be the answer to a query posed to him or a message for someone.

One of the great scholars and teachers of those times was Sri Rajam Iyer. He was a close and personal friend of Sri Siddhar Swamigal. Sri Rajam Iyer had been suffering from a serious stomach ailment for quite a while and had consulted various doctors and consumed large quantities of all kinds of medication without any to little difference. All the while that he was sick and needed to visit the doctor, Sri Siddhar Swamigal used to bless him. Ultimately, fed up of the countless visits to the doctors, Sri Rajam Iyer turned to Sri Siddhar Swamigal and asked him to cure him of his ailment. Sri Siddhar Swamigal cupped a handful of soil from the roadside, made a globule out of it and asked Sri Rajam Iyer to swallow it. Sri Rajam fell into a deep slumber within minutes of swallowing the globule given by Sri Siddhar Swamigal. He woke up the next day without a trace of the stomach ache that had tortured him for so many months day in and day out. He never experienced any stomach ache after that.

In some cases, the evil spirits of a person dead would come back to haunt and trouble the next of kin. People would flock to him with their problems. Sri Siddhar Swamigal would first pour water on the face of the person troubled. Then he would ask for a plantain leaf and spread some flowers, a preparation of rice and jaggery, neem leaves and a lime on the leaf. He would then take the leaf in his hand and facing the sky, throw it upwards. The plaintain leaf would fall back to the ground but the rest would disappear miraculously. The person suffering would also be cured of his being possessed.