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Debbie Jennings
11th Great Granddaughter of Phillipe Du Trieux

My earliest ancestor documented in the Truax lineage is Phillipe Du Trieux b. about 1560. With this very early date, I, of course have no details into his life.The first notable change in the spelling of the surname to the current TRUAX, was made by Phillipe's great grandson, Phillip, son of Jacob Du Trieux. I don't think "he" actually changed the spelling himself, but that is when the notice is made in records. The immigrant of this line was the son of the above Phillipe. His name was Phillipe Antoni Du Trieux born in 1586 in Roubaix, France.He first married to Jacquemine Noiret in 1615 in France, they had 4 known children.Jacquemine died in about 1620, Phillipe remarried to Susannah Du Chesne in 1621 in Holland, they had 7 known children. This couple immigrated to the US in 1624, settling in the area known as New Amsterdam. This area later was New York.My descent from this line is through the fourth child of the second marriage; Jacob Du Trieux who was born in 1645 in New Amsterdam and later married Lysbeth Post in 1674. Although, Jacob was born in New Amsterdam and died in Delaware--apparently they were in Monmouth county New Jersey at some point, as their son Phillip and my ancestor was born their about 1676.Phillip married Sarah Larue and I have one known child for them, there were undoubtedly more.Their son was Jacob Larue Truax born in 1705, Jacob married Rebecca Stillwell in Monmouth co. NJ in 1729. It is beginning with their children that I have the most knowledge of the Truax lineage.Jacob and Rebecca had 11 children and their first one is my direct line ancestor, Benjamin. Benjamin who was born in 1761 married Parthenia Pittman, this family continued to remain in Monmouth county, New Jersey. Of the 5 children born to this couple my 5th great grandfather was their first born; William in 1762. About 1773, the family migrated to Bedford county, Pennsylvania where William married Ailcy Combs in 1783. Later, William and Ailcy migrated south to Nelson county Kentucky in 1787, to settle just west of where Bardstown KY is located. In 1823, William moved his family to the Owen county Indiana area, and remained there until his death in 1835. By all accounts, William was a most successful man. In his will, he well provides for just about everyone known in his family, saying they are to be cared for their entire lives and their burial expenses also cared for from his estate. Both he and Ailcy joined the Little Mount Baptist Church in 1825 as the church records show. They are both buried in the Old section of the cemetery by the same name, that used to sit to the side of the church. Although through William's children the Truax family is joined with the Baldwin, Evans,Murphy and Wilson lines in early Owen county. It is his son, James Allison Truax that I directly descend from. James married first to Mariah Baldon and after her death he married Arlitta Chambers. Thier son, John Truax was my 3rd great grandfather; his daughter, Monnie Truax married Stockton Lockhart and they were the parents of my great grandfather, Charles Lockhart. If anyone is researching these lines and would like to exchange info, I urge them to contact me, please.