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Debbie Jennings

I have the unusual blessing (or curse) to descend from 2 different Asher lines. Both of which were in Owen county Indiana around the same time frame, I haven't been able to prove the connection between the two to my own satisfaction.The difference in these two lines is that one (line 1) originated in Culpepper county, Virginia and migrated to Jefferson county, KY and then on to Owen county IN about 1821-1822. The other line (line 2) originated in Blount county, Tennessee and came directly to Owen county from there in about 1831 settling in the Jackson township area. Beginning with what I will refer to as:

  • ASHER LINEAGE #1. The earliest documented ancestor is John Asher who was born about 1720 it is unknown at the present time where he was born at, but he died in 1798 in Culpepper county, Virginia. His son, William was born in 1740 in Culpepper county VA and he died in 1780 at what is know Louisville, KY.He served as an ensign in the Revolutionary War under George Rogers Clark and was killed in a battle with the Indians. His son, Bartlett was also in this same Company which consisted of about 150 men.By 1821-1822, Bartlett with his wife, Margaret and his brother John and his wife, Jane had moved to Wayne twp of Owen county IN.On September 16, 1828, Bartlett and his wife, sold their 156 acre farm in Jefferson county, KY to Jacob Hawes for $1600.Among the children of Bartlett and Margaret, their are many intermarriages into my lines of Combs,Murphy,Edwards and Truax.
  • LINEAGE #2-- Within this lineage, the earliest documented ancestor is William Asher born in 1787 in Tennessee. He married Mary Davis in 1811 in Carter county Tennessee.There is little doubt that this couple moved to Blount county Tennesse after their marriage, as many of their children were born there. William and Mary came to Owen county from Tennessee in 1831 with their 12 children and settled in the Jackson township area.William and his brother, Solomon ran a small distillery in the year 1835 within their neighborhood.Of their 12 children,Arabian married Sarah Evans who is the sister of John Evans; John's daughter, married into my direct Lockhart lineage. Of the other children of William and Mary there were connections with a few other family surnames such as Job, Cassida, and Haltom.I haven't completed a lineage chart for these lines yet, as the many different connections are proving difficult to set into a chart. If you are tracing these lines or have info you wish to exchange, please contact me regarding them.
