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My Chat Room!!!!!
My Chat Room

Hello to all. It took me a while but here it is my chat room or should I say OUR chat room. I want this to be a room where we all can talk about anything, whether its MS realated or not. I want everyone to be able to connect to people and know that we are not alone.

I have some directions to make it easier on you. When you first click on click on join so you can make a nic name or handle and a password, and from then on you will just have to log in with your nic name and your password to get in the room. I am "butterfly-wings", so if you see me make sure to say hi! Also some times it may take a while to get logged in so I suggest if it takes to long press your back button and click sign in again.

Also I would like to set up some specific times, so that way maybe more people will be in the room at once to chat with eachother, but please remember the room is open 24 hours a day these specific times are just to start people off on getting to know eachother so maybe they wont walk into an empty room. After you make some friends you can choose to meet eachother at whatever time you want, or if you just need to talk with someone pop in and see if there are people in the room.

Here are the times to start this chat room off with....

Sunday through Saturday

10:00 am to 12 noon

3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

8:00 pm to 10:00pm

These are central standard times so please adjust them to your time zones.

I am a night owl so I will probablly be on sometimes late at night to see if anyone is in the room, and I will be in during the day as well. I hope everyone enjoys it and invites friends and family members to join.

Also in the chat room there are instructions on how to chat etc. so I hope it is fairly easy and everyone will catch on quickly. So just click on the yellow box where it says enter chat room and have fun!!!

If you would like to chat with me I will have specific dates and times that will be posted here. I will be in the chat room at other times as well but on these days I post I will make it for sure unless I have to cancle due to some reason, but I will try to post any cancellations. I will try to have my times posted a few days after my last date, so come take a look.