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The Blood of Iraq


President George W. Bush Enters into Hell

adapted from

"General William Booth Enters into Heaven" by Vachel Lindsay (1879-1931)

BUSH beat boldly on his big bass drum--
(Are you washed in the blood of Iraq?)
The devils smiled gravely and they said: "He's come."
(Are you washed in the blood of Iraq?)
Maimed children followed, rank on rank,
Limbs crushed by bombs and Abrams tanks,
Murdered mothers shrieking with a frightening wail,--
BUSH marched on, his face a ghastly pale.
Dead soldiers followed with mouldy breath,
Ghostly legions with the ways of Death--
(Are you washed in the blood of Iraq?)

Three nations sent their hundred-thousand-score,
But from the round world over, BUSH had groaned for more.
Every banner that the wide world flies
Dipped in sorrow under blood-shot skies.
Ari Fleischer made his banjo bang,
Tranced, fanatical he shrieked and sang:--
"Are you washed in the blood of Iraq?"
Lord God Almighty! It was queer to see
Forked-tongued demons in that land make free.
Imps with trumpets blew a Blair! Blair! Blair!
On, on upward through the burning air!
(Are you washed in the blood of Iraq?)

Satan came out of his palace door,
Looked at the crowd and wished for more,
Slapped on BUSH a Texas Rangers cap,
And said: "Well done, GEORGE,--
You are washed in the blood of Iraq."

--March 14, 2003

Author's note: This poem is intended as a warning, not a judgment. It expresses my personal outrage at an unnecessary war. No true follower of Christ would want the torment of hell to touch anyone no matter how grievous their sins. Therefore, Christians should pray for President Bush to repent of his sins and be saved, just as we ourselves hope for forgiveness and salvation.

--Michael Walter

Page views since April 21, 2003


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