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Using Jaring and Tmnet everyday

Wasting my parent’s money in every way.

Going to chatrooms such as #Penang_2,

Sending people messages such as "Hey you!".

People writing curses, nasty ones really,

Beats watching movies such as Free Willy.

Download messages and also games,

Deleting the ones that are really lame.

Once a week I speak to my Singaporean aunt – May,

Telling her to give me a job with vacations and pay,

Typing smiling faces such as this :-)

To all the friends that I have missed.

Megabytes, hardrives, and disks from Sony,

Surfing through Cyberspace like a cowboy on a pony.

Thanks to the wonder of the chip and wafer that bring

Us together,

I have to sign off now but hope to see you later.


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