He sits on his throne, his face hidden underneathe the hood of his robe. You swear he is staring at you but you can't really see his eyes.

"I never stare friend but i assure you I am aware of everything happening around me at all times"

He stands, walks to the door, opens it, and whistles. Within mere seconds a Hawk flies in and lands on his out-stretched arm. A cloud of blue smoke rises from no where and when it clears both the man and the hawk are gone. You turn around and there he is.

" My name is Atticus and this is Noah"

He walks back to his throne and puts Noah on a pirch next to it. You are starting to wonder exactly what kind of creature he is.

"what kind of creature do you want me to be?"

You watch as he morphs into a pegasus.

"Is this what you want me to be?"

He morphs into a giant dragon

"Perhaps this is what you want me to be?"

He looks to Noah and sees that his wing is bleeding. He rubs his hands together real fast. He puts his hands on the birds wing and when he moves them there is no blood or sign of a wound.

"I guess you can say I do just about everything."

A beautiful woman walks in and kisses him deeply.

"This is my beautiful wife Saiti. I have known her since the day i was born. It was fate from the beginning. We were born the same day, our parents were best friends."

He morphs back into the hooded figure he was before.

"I am a shape shifter. I have learned to be who or what I need to be to survive. Everything I know I have learned on my own. Saiti and I were just teenagers when we awoke to find everyone in our entire village gone.

We formed our own Kingdom the AK, Assassins of Karnage in the land of Ralea. A cloud of blue smoke rises and when it does both Atticus and Saiti are gone, you hear a door slam shut somewhere in the castle.

Last updated January 9, 2005

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