
His eyes are closed as he concentrates on the things around him. The wind picks up and everything around him seems to talk to him. He hears of what is and what will be. He opens his eyes pulls the journal from his bag and makes notes on the new things revealed to him. Sometimes beein a seer is not easy but he has learned to deal with it as things are revealed.

He thinks of all that he has been over his many years and most seem like they were only yesterday , others like they were a lifetime ago. He thinks of his home land Josan and how left there to visit his friend Black Magic. After arriving for Blacks wedding to Mystic Pegasus he decided to stay when it was revealed to him that this is where belongs for Black would lead him to his destiny, his wife, and new home land.

He remembers all the battles he fought in the Name of Loyalty to the unjust King. He remembers the promotions for the battles won and then how one day after his brother died in his arms becasue he knew nothing of healing only of killing. He learned his own method of healing shortly afterwards. He remembers of learning Magic from Boisil and how Boisil told him to incorporate healing into his Magic but he was so much more then a Mage or a Healer. He said the spirits were calling to him and that he was to be a necromancer as well as a seer.

He smiles thinking of how he basically dabbled in all fields except politics but now even that has changed becasue of two things :he is the Head of the High Council for the DDM (Dark Demons of Magic)and his marriage to Talia the Keeper of Innocence in Ameris.

Last updated January 9, 2005

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