all images L.B. Treiman

(P.S. Stealing is bad!)

The Art of Infernal Gaslamp

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The Art of Infernal Gaslamp

Alright guys, this site has all the artwork i've done for 'Infernal Gaslamp' to date. Any of you can feel free to use any of it however you want, just give me credit :).... enjoy!

P.S. sorry if the images are a bit large...

Questions?Comments?Requests?Insults(haha, just kidding!)? E-mail me at

Visit the official site

The sessions...



February 10, 2001

April 1, 2001

May 12, 2001

Sessions I Missed

Marion and a fork :)

Marion and her brother, Jim.

Marion and carter

Islington messes up royally...

Other stuff...

Dr. Byron Shelley's hand outside.....

...and inside...

If Marion's bladed gloves existed, they might work kinda like this.....

I figured that, with the exception of maybe Jake Blackemore, Clara Brooks would be the first of Infernal Gaslamp Inc. to wind up utterly drunk and in a flapper dress :)

I know Islington didn't have his exploding bibles as a kid, but you gotta wonder....

In a character description Emily gave me, she described Marion carrying a constantly over-flowing bag.... i thought of this....

Two grendol, according to a description from Tyler

X-mas suit.... 'nuff said :)

wanna see what i do with the rest of my life? go here to my other site!

DISCLAIMER: all drawings are property of Lissa Treiman. All characters etc. belong to their respective owners. See the official site for more info....