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Because I am not one-dimensional. I am two-dimensional.

Yes, the above is a real picture of me. You know you want me, you know you do! Do not speak, for it will only make your desire more apparent.

Okay, so maybe that isn't a REAL picture of me. But I figured that since I already have so many irl lovers beating down my door, I should probably refrain from adding YOU to the plethera. You know how it goes.

SO WHO IS THIS HECKA RAD DIVA? I am Sara, hear me roar. Oh, and I'm also a ROCK STAR and I've got the shirt to prove it. Fear me, adore me, but try not to drool all over my shiny combat dm's, okay? Or you can find out more about lil' ol' me by clicking here: More about the Diva

A Quote


Okay, so I'm going to rant a little bit.....GO WATCH VAMPIRE HUNTER D!!!! Culture yourself! It's um, a little confusing at times (i.e. they don't explain A LOT of that little face D has on his hand...what in the world is that all about??), but it is sooooo worth the confusion! Yeah, it may be copyrighted 1985, but it's still one of the best anime movies ever, of all time. Anyway, I guess I will stop going on and on now, since most of you probably don't even care. Oh, and while I have your attention, please sign my guestbook! It's good lovin for me!! Makes me feel special ;0) My Guestbook

Tina the Troubled Teen As you may have noticed, I have adopted Tina the Troubled Teen. We get along quite well. If you would like to have Tina the Troubled Teen on your page, well....YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK (actually, if you just click on her picture, it will take you to where I found her....but YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK is so much more fun to say)!!

I am a princess....what do YOU do for a living?

I am in the process of posting some of my poetry....feel free to probe my mind. The Diva's Poetry

"Speaking of those who preach hate and violence, I need to say how absolutely horrified and sickened I am by supposed Christians who promote the use of violence against abortion clinics, doctors, the federal government, and anyone else who rubs them the wrong way. As citizens of democratic nations we are bound to rever and respect the democratic process. This leaves no room for people who violently take the law into their own hands. The very idea of Christians of all people promoting violence towards anyone is mindboggling. Some of the central tenets of the teachings of Christ are nonjudgementalism, non-violence, and humility. How can these people call themselves Christians and at the same time call for and celebrate brutal acts of violence? I love Christ, but I'm utterly dismayed at the teachings and actions of a lot of these supposed 'Christians.'"

-Moby, New York City, January 1999

My Favorite Web Sites

My friend Alexa's page......GO THERE!! It's very nice ;0)
A very rad page......stop in, look around, take your hat off and stay awhile.
One word: LENORE
A Mel Brooks movie page......
This is suuuuuch a nice Vampire Hunter D page......loads of art, etc....
