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I'm Currently Attending a school Called Cedar Ridge Charter School... Considering the school is self paced, and gives freedom of individualtiy, I'm doing very well. I have big plans of being in Forensics, or being a Phamicist someday, and a school like this helps alot with encouragment. I'm currently a Junior, but I'm taking some Senior classes.I plan on going to college in Killeen, Tx at CTC. Education is the key to leading a successful life, I'd rather be a teenage Punkette Junke, but what would i throw in my ciblings faces? I'm glad i have the teachers i have, because noone in my family is pushing me for a higher education but myself, Most of my brothers and sisters have a G.E.D. which is second best, none have attended college! I've never wanted anything more in my life than to please my parents... and considering my father is a sick man, I plan on having my future mapped out before he passes away. Education is a big part of my life... I've lost friends for it, I've lost sleep for it, I've lost many things for it, but imagine what i'll gain.What if I lost EVERYTHING? Impossible, noone can take my education away from me.The MAIN reason i want a great education is because i have smaller eyes watching me earn what i want in life, and i want my neice (in the picture below) to follow in my footsteps, I realize the choice is hers to make nomatter how WRONG, but i'd like her to see what i have done.. and want that for herself.