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Geo Notes For The Lazy TM !

I updated this site last on 05/06/2003.
All notes now use Windows Standard fonts.
T.Y. Notes now up! Check the Notes! page.

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TY Notes have been re-uploaded. Enjoy.

If you're doing a Geo B.Sc. in Maharashtra and you're too bloody lazy to do anything for yerself, Geo Notes For The Lazy is de place for you.
It's probably the only place on the web you lazy SOBs will get your notes from.

I don't have all the notes you need, but then I'm doing this out of the kindness of my freakin' heart, so don't complain, you little shit.

I've even put on a search thingie for those of you who can't(or won't, you lazy little f*cks) search through the Notes! page. Enjoy! All the things aren't up yet, but they will be in a while, so just WAIT.

All files have been re-uploaded using only standard Windows fonts, so you don't need to download the fonts any more.

Want to contact me? Mail me at this address.

FINE PRINT: I've compiled all the notes on this site from college notes and reference books - all information is, to the best of my knowledge, correct. However, i take absolutely NO responsibility for any factual errors the notes may contain. Basically, if you screw up because of the notes you get here, it's your problem, not mine.
All Material by Gregory de Souza, 1999-2000.