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Feelin' Better


You have been referred as a person who is interested in healthy living. This monthly note is to pass on helpful information to people to help assist them in making healthy choices to improve their health. Please take a few minutes to read it as it may inform you of new ways to significantly improve your health.

Do you or a loved one suffer from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or chest pain? Do you get unexplained cramps or pains in your legs or back? Would you like to lower your cholesterol or triglyceride levels? Would you like to be able to prevent kidney stones? Would you like to restore your energy level and improve your sleep? How would you like to reduce the effects of stress on your body? Would you be surprised to find out that a deficiency in one simple mineral may be the root of all these problems?


“Magnesium deficiency appears to have caused eight million sudden coronary deaths in America during the period of 1940-1994, based on census data and studies of similar deaths from magnesium deficiency conducted in Canada, Great Britain, Finland and India.” according to information provided to the FDA.

“According to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, there have been more that 50 studies in nine countries that have indicated an inverse relationship between water hardness and mortality from cardiovascular disease. That is, people who drink water that is deficient in magnesium and calcium generally appear more susceptible to this disease.”

Researchers at the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Dept. of Health Service state, “A subtle change in the intake amounts of magnesium in water, which accounts for about 5 percent of a person’s total dietary consumption of magnesium, may cause a drop of up to 40 percent in heart disease.”

As you can see by the above statements, it as a proven fact that the mineral magnesium is essential for your heart, blood vessels, bones, muscles, and kidneys. This mineral is critical for your body to be able to produce energy and to be able to assimilate calcium and potassium.

Some of the benefits of having the proper amount of magnesium in your body are listed below. Magnesium has also been found to be useful for a number of other disorders that are not listed here.

* Prevent and treat heart disease, including angina and irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis), and helps prevent strokes: Magnesium helps coordinate the activity of the heart muscle as well as the functioning of the nerves that initiate the heartbeat. It also helps keep coronary arteries from spasming, an action that can cause the intense chest pain known as angina.
* Control high blood pressure: A slight decline in blood pressure can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Magnesium reduces elevated blood pressure by relaxing the muscles that control blood vessels, allowing the blood to flow more freely. Its beneficial effect on blood pressure is further enhanced because of its ability to help equalize the levels of potassium and sodium in the blood.
* Reduce the symptoms of fibromyalgia: Magnesium and calcium help restore proper muscle contraction and relaxation. This also helps relax the contracted or stiff muscles which create the aching associated with fibromyalgia.
* Protects against migraines: Many migraine sufferers have low magnesium levels in their systems. By returning the magnesium levels to a normal level, the body is able to maintain a healthy blood flow to the brain vessels and thus helping to protect against debilitating migraine headaches.
* Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
* Decreases your insulin needs if you have diabetes.
* Prevents kidney stones.
* Helps treat Crohn’s disease.
* Reduces cramps, irritability, fatigue, depression, and water retention associated with menstruation.
* Helps restore your normal energy level.
* Reduces anxiety, depression, and the effects of stress. The body needs magnesium to produce serotonin, an important mood enhancing brain chemical.
* Reduces symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. Studies show that children with ADD usually have a deficiency of magnesium.
* Prevents osteoporosis by helping the body convert vitamin D into a form that is used efficiently
* Minimize the severity of asthma attacks by relaxing and encouraging the lung’s airways to expand.
* Reduces symptoms of CFS: Magnesium levels have been reported to be low in those with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), while magnesium injections have been reported to improve symptoms.

Could you be deficient? Magnesium deficiency is common. Almost two-thirds of the people in intensive care hospital units have been found to be magnesium deficient. Magnesium is available in many foods. However, most people in the US probably do not get enough magnesium in their daily diets, mainly because we eat great quantities of processed foods, which provide scant amounts of this important mineral. The effects of stress, intense physical activity or certain medications such as diuretics or laxatives can also cause a deficiency. Some diseases, such as diabetes, stomach or bowel problems, pancreatitis, or kidney malfunctions may also cause a lower magnesium level. Alcoholism is also a contributor to a lower magnesium level in the body.

Fatigue, abnormal heart rhythms, muscle weakness and spasms, depression loss of appetite, listlessness and potassium depletion can all result from a magnesium deficiency. Deficiencies of magnesium may get to the point that it is serious enough that they may need to be treated by intravenous administration of magnesium.

How much should I take? You should take small doses of magnesium throughout the day, with a full glass of water with each dose. These are the recommended daily amounts:

* Adult men ages 19 to 30: 400 mg
* Adult men after age 30: 420 mg
* Adult woman ages 19 to 30: 310 mg
* Adult woman after age 30: 320 mg
* Boys age 14 to 18: 410 mg
* Girls age 14 to 18: 360 mg
* Children age 9 to 13: 240 mg
* Children age 4 to 8: 130 mg
* Children age 1 to 3 80 mg

If you are treating an ailments the dosage may change. Examples of suggestions for ailments follows:

Ailment & Dosage
Angina 400 mg, twice a day
Arrhythmia 400 mg, twice a day
Bronchitis 400 mg, twice a day
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 400 mg, twice a day
Constipation 400 mg, twice a day as needed

Crohn’s Disease 400 mg, twice a day
Fatigue 400-800 mg a day
Fibromyalgia 150-250 mg magnesium and 400-800 mg malic acid 3 times a day

Again, these are just samples of the magnesium requirement. Often there are other minerals, vitamins, and diet changes that may need to be considered.

What are the Dietary Sources?

The richest sources of magnesium are tofu, Brazil nuts, almonds, cashews, black walnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin, squash seeds, peanuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, wheat bran, whole grain, soybean flour, and blackstrap molasses. Remember though, that the cooking process greatly diminishes the magnesium.

Other good sources are whole wheat flour, oat flour, beet greens, spinach, shredded wheat, bran cereals, oatmeal, bananas, baked potatoes with a the skin, and pistachio nuts.

You can also get magnesium from many herbs, spices, and seaweed. Examples are dill weed, celery seed, sage, dried mustard and basil.

Should I use a supplement?

According to FDA, a fortification level of 90 mg of bioavailable magnesium per liter of water would correct most dietary deficiencies. We know that remarkable results have been attained by using magnesium to promote heart health. Supplements are one way to ensure that you get enough magnesium. The best supplements are labeled “Soluble” which means it’s easier for your body to absorb the magnesium it needs.

To enhance absorption, take magnesium supplements with food. If you happen to consume a high-fiber diet, it is better to take the supplement between meals. Do not take with sodas or wheat, as these will interfere with the absorption of the magnesium. Vitamin B6 increases the amount of magnesium that can enter cells. As a result, these two nutrients are often taken together.

What makes your minerals unique?

Our mineral dietary supplements are the purest minerals available on the market. (up to 99.9999% pure) and the purest water ( a five step purification process assures absolutely pure water) Through a complex process, minerals are liquefied to a state where when dehydrated they will grow crystals. This process duplicates nature’s method of turning minerals from the earth into a form usable by man. When a plant processes minerals from the earth, the minerals end up in the crystalline form necessary in order to be usable and absorbable by the body. Synthetic supplements are foreign to the body so the body rejects it, or if the mineral is too large, the body is unable to absorb the mineral, so the body does not receive the benefit desired. We also have protocols that look at the all the minerals, vitamins, diet changes that you may need to address a certain condition. So be sure to ask for the suggested protocol for your situation.

Also because we purchase our minerals in such volume, we are able to pass these bulk saving rates on to you, our customers. Why pay $35 per quart, when you don’t have to? Plus, if you call and order your magnesium from now through the end of June, we will give you an additional $5.00 off of a quart of Magnesium. It may the best investment for your health that you could make today.

What if I take too much?

Diarrhea and nausea are the most common side effects of too much magnesium. A serious overdose of this mineral is rare.

What Precautions and Interactions should I be aware of?

Do not take magnesium supplements if you have severe heart disease of kidney disease without talking with your health care provider. Overuse of milk of magnesia or Epsom Salts as a laxative, antacid or tonics may cause you to ingest too much magnesium.

Magnesium may increase the likelihood of negative side effects from calcium channel blockers particularly nifedipine that are used to control blood pressure.

Magnesium may interfere with absorption of tiludronate, a medication similar to alendronate that is used for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Consult your healthcare provider to determine whether magnesium supplements are appropriate for you if you have diabetes or are currently taking any medications.

Please Remember:
Again I want to state that I am a firm believer that our bodies have a unique balance of mineral and natural chemical elements that are designed to work in harmony with each other. I believe that when that balance is lost, we fall prey to disease, fatigue, weight problems and other health issues. I have also observed when we raise the nutritional levels and strengthen the immune system, the body has an opportunity to heal itself and our sense of well being improves. My main goal is to be able to share with people how to keep that balance so that they can feel their best. This material is not intended as a guide to self-medication. The reader is advised to discuss the information provided here with a doctor, pharmacist, nurse or other authorized healthcare practitioner and to check product information including package inserts regarding dosage precautions, warnings and interactions before administering any drug, herb or supplement. Please remember that all products may not be suitable for all people

To receive more information about magnesium, or to place an order, please call Marcus Newman at 317-326-3297. Don’t forget if you order between now and June, you will receive an additional $5.00 off a quart of Magnesium. (No Limit ) You may also email us at: and describe your individual condition, and we will reply with what products and protocols may benefit you.

Follow ups from last month’s tip on TESLAR – The Watch that Protects

Several people responded to last month’s tips regarding the TESLAR watch. I wanted to share a couple of their testimonies.
1) One woman wore the watch for a couple of hours. She suffers from Fibromyalgia, which is a chronic achy muscular pain. She felt a significant change in her pain level, to the extent that she decided she wanted to purchase the watch because she did not want to remove it.
2) A father purchased a watch for his 12 year old son who suffers with ADD, and a daily bed wetting problem. The boy has not had any bed wetting since wearing the watch. It has been over 40 days. His parents have noticed a major change in the boy’s level of concentration also.
3) People who have purchased the watch have found that they have a major change in their sleep behavior. Many people wake up feeling refreshed after their sleep and more energy throughout the day. My wife would always hit the snooze button on the alarm clock several times before rising, but now she often is awake and going before the alarm clock rings.
4) One woman purchased a watch before her trip to Egypt. She was excited because she did not experience any jet-lag.
5) One person purchased the watch and noticed a major change in his leg pain within an hour.

I have not revealed names of the people behind these testimonies, but if you are interested, and would like additional information, please contact me at the number listed below.

Remember people are surrounded with electromagnetic fields in today’s modern society. These fields are released from your computer, television, micro-wave, and any electrical power. The long-term effect of ELF exposure is not known yet. Many doctors agree though, that many people may be sensitive to these ELF and cause them to experience symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, mild depression, mood changes, headaches, allergies, hormonal imbalances, and other symptoms of biological imbalance. For pennies a day, the TESLAR watch can protect people from this “electronic pollution”.

Call today at 317/326-3297 to set up an appointment for your personal consultation or for more information concerning the TESLAR watches or any of the other products we carry. You may email me at:

For Women:

My wife has been having health problems since July of last year. We have been working together and with other personal health care practitioners. It has taken several months as her symptoms were gradually getting worse and more symptoms were developing before we were able to determine the source of her problems and how to treat the situation.

If you are suffering from any of the following symptoms listed below, please contact myself or my wife and we will be happy to talk to you.

* Unexplained weight gain
* Headaches
* Heavier periods
* Uterine fibroids
* mood swings
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Irritability
* Unexplained hunger
* Fatigue
* Fibrocystic breasts
* Foggy thinking
* Cold hands and feet
* Concentration problems

In answer to questions concerning meetings, Yes I do give meetings. We are located in the Indianapolis Indiana area. If you would like me to conduct a meeting in your area, concerning health and what you may do to improve yours (or at your home if you are in a 50 mile radius of Indianapolis) please contact me at 317/326-3297.

If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to be added to our monthly list, please e-mail us your name and email address. If you received this letter directly from us, and do not wish to receive these monthly e-mails, please reply with your email address and unsubscribe in the message box.

We do not charge for the e-mail monthly letter, but if you would like to be added to a mailing list for a monthly mailer through the postal service, we ask for a $10.00 annual fee to help cover our expenses.

How To Contact Us:

If you have questions concerning products or would like to set up a personal consultation, please E-mail us at the address below. Include in your e-mail all of your questions and a good time for us to contact you.

To place an order, please feel free to use our order line.

Order Line: 1-877-260-7260

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