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Feelin' Better

Feelin' Better


Our mineral dietary supplements are the purest minerals available on the market (up to 99.9999% pure) and the purest water (a five step purification process assures absolutely pure water). Through a complex process, minerals are liquified to a state where (when dehydrated) they will grow crystals. This process duplicates nature's method of turning minerals from the earth into a form usable by man. When a plant processes minerals from the earth, the minerals end up in the crstalline form necessary in order to be usable and absorbable by the body.


Magnesium is a natural traquilizer. It is important in the production and transfer of energy. It aids in relaxing nerves, relieving tension and assisting digestion and aiding regularitry.

The following are symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

Asthma, Anorexia, Cramps, Convulsions, Calcification of Organs, Malignant Calcification of Tissue, Migraines, Muscular Weakness, Muscle Tremors, Muscle Tics, Calcification of Small Arteries, Depression, ECG Changes, Growth Failure, Headaches, Kidney Stones, Myocardial Infarction, Neuromuscular Problems, PMS, Vertigo and Wrinkles.

For more information on Magnesium supplements Click Here


Calcium is one of the most essential of the major biochemical elements needed in human nutrition. It raises the bodies resistance to viruses, parisites, bacteria, and cancer. Pure water-soluble calcium helps reverse symptoms caused by buildup of compound calcium, like kidney stones, gall stones, arthritis, and high cholesterol. It also helps reverse conditions like acidosis and osteoporosis. This mineral is nesseccary for proper pH balance.

The following are symptoms of calcium deficiency:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Acne, Arthritis, Acidosis, A.D.D., Asthma, Bell's Palsy, Cramps, Common Cold, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cancer, Cavities, Cataracts, Enlarged Heart, Fibromyalgia, Gallstones and High Cholesterol.

For more information on Calcium supplements Click Here


Chromium helps the body regulate metabolism and regulate insulin and blood sugar levels. Chromium helps the body lose weight by stimulating enzymes that metabolize glucose for energy.

The following are symptoms of chromium deficiency:

Depression, Diabetes, Obesity, Anxiety, A.D.D., Aortic Cholesterol Plaque, Arteriosclerosis, Bi-Polar Disease, High Blood Cholesterol, Hyperinsulinism, Hypoglycemia, Hyperactivity, Impaired Growth, Infertility (decreased sperm count), Pre-diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy.

For more information about Chromium supplements Click Here


Sulfur is known as a healing mineral. It aids every cell in the elimination of toxic substances through agitation. Chronic allergies to materials such as dust, pollen, wool, animal hair, feathers, etc. with symptoms ranging from respiratory congestion to inflammation, itching, and general discomfort can be relieved with sulfur.

The following are symptoms of sulfur deficiency:

Arthritis, Asthma, Acne, Back Pain, Constipation, Circulatory problems, Dry Skin, Free Radical Damage, Inflamation, Infection, Migraines, Muscle Pain, Stress, Skin Disorders, Urinary Tract Disorders, Various Muscle and Skeletal Disorders and Wrinkles.


Zinc deficiency can lead to a wide variety of degenerative diseases and illnesses. Zinc aids in the proper sassimilaton of vitamins, normal growth and development and builds the immune system.

The following are symptoms of zinc deficiency:

Angina, Alzheimers, Anemia, Anthrax, Alchoholism, Acne, Anorexia and Bulimia, Body Odor, Birth Defects, Cavities, Crohn's Disease, Depression, Diabetes, Eye Diseases, Free Radical Damage, Herpes, Hypertension, Hair Loss, Infertility, Infection, Decreased Libido, Loss of Smell and Taste, Miscarriages, Obesity, PMS, Still Births, Thyroid Disorders and Urinary Tract Infections.


Iodine mainly affects the thyroid, which not only controls many important functions in the body, but also keeps us in a quickened state of health. Iodine restores heat and assists calcium in the repair and building of tissue in the body.Hormones produced by the thyroid control digestion, heart rate, body temperature, nervous system, reproductive system and body weight.

The following are symptoms of iodine deficiency:

Acne, Cretinism, Depression, Frustration, Goiter, Hormonal Imbalance, Hyper and Hypo- thyroidism, Lethargy, Miscarriages, Scaly or dry skin and Sterility or Infertility.


If you have questions concerning products or would like to set up a personal consultation, please e-mail us at the address below. Include in you e-mail all of your questions and a good time for us to contact you.

To place an order, please feel free to use our order line:

Order Line: 1-877-260-7260

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