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#DBZ-Trivia is just that. A Dragonball/Z/GT trivia IRC channel on DALnet. We weren't always #DBZ-trivia, however. At one time, we were #DBZ. Yeah, those were the days... the channel was under the command of jeffx/Mr_Satan back then. Then one day... one of the Sops gave the channel's password out. Then it all went down the toilet as the channel became under the dictatorship of #dbzleech -_-. But, we bounced back and moved into #DBZ-trivia, the channel we are located in now. This was late February, early March of 2000 when we made the move. We were under the rule of DrewB/LessThanDrew now. It was a pretty dull time for the next 3-4 months... that is, until July 1st 2000. LessThanDrew had abandoned us... leaving the chan with no founder. But, he'd also ditched his old nick DrewB, which he had registered the channel under. I took it upon myself to re-register the channel. Now #DBZ-trivia is under my happy rule. It's the Age of Secef, baby. ^_^

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