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CrossRoad Kid(C.R.K)



height: 5'7"


Crossroads Of America

Feds Worked:



Colton Cash and Ray Lincoln

Titles held:

1/2 tag champions with wayne starr and current CRW jr Champion

Favorite Moment in CRW:Winning the Jr Title From Ray Lincoln

3 signiture Moves:

Set Down Pedigree

Flying Cross-body to the outside

Missle Drop Kick Finisher:

Sudden Impact

The Crossroad Kid!Amazing! thats one word that could desribe this very young talent. At only 17 years old the Crossroad Kid has achieved just as much notoriety as any other CRW star. With his blinding speed, quick thinking, and an agility that would make a gymnast jealous, he makes for a very dangerous opponnet. He hails from the Crossroads of America were he grew up fascinated by the sporting part of professional wrestling maybe thats why he has exceptional scienitific skills in the ring for someone his age, whatever the answer C.R.K. is someone not to be underestimated as some of his foes have found out the hard way, after the final bell they were left with their jaws dropped in shock, and the Kid carring their pride to the back along with yet another CRK Has already captured the Junior title by deafeting Ray Lincoln, a task that no one else was able to accomplish! Also a former tag team champion along with Wayne Starr, a relationship that has developed into more of a "can you top this?" rather than the original friendly partnership they started with. With the CRW making comeback it will be interseting to see what new feats the Crossroad Kid accomplishs, afterall the sky is the limit for this youngster

copyright - Knights Productions 2003